North Carolina - 12\18\1776

Article 1.0 [Last Modified: 1/1/2003]

Article 1.0 created by amendment 2

Section 3.2 0 [Last Modified: 1/1/2003]

No Section Text

Whereas, a large number of the people are disfranchised, by the freehold qualification now required of voters for members of the Senate: Therefore, Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of the State of North-Carolina, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, (three-fifths of the whole number of members of each House concurring,) That the second clause of the third section of the first article of the amended constitution, ratified by the people of North-Carolina, on the second Monday of November, in the year of [our] Lord eighteen hundred and thirty-five, shall be amended to read as follows: Every free white man of the age of twenty-one years, being a native or naturalized citizen of the United States, and who has been an inhabitant of the State for twelve months immediately preceding the day of any election, and shall have paid public taxes shall be entitled to vote for a member of the Senate, for the district in which he resides. [Ratified August 6, 1857.]