This file was prepared by The MD State Archives, then coded by Randy Moore, then John Wallis worked on it on 12/10/01 This one is ready to go, no questions remaining. JW 1.5.02 It contain amendments 134 to 184 *** CSTART MD 08/17/1867 12/31/2000 *** *** MSTART 134 134.0 9099.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] AN ACT to propose amendments to certain sections of the Constitution of Maryland, being Sections 1 and 5 of Article 1, title "Elective Franchise", Sections 2 and 13 of Article 2, title "Executive Department", Sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, and 58 of Article 3, title "Legislative Department", Sections 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 37, 40, and 41 of Article 4, title "Judiciary Department", Sections 1 and 7 of Article 5, title "Attorney General and State's Attorney", Sections 1 and 2 of Article 7, title "Sundry Officers", Section 2 of Article 12, title "Public Works", Section 2 of Article 14, title "Amendments to the Constitution", Sections 1 and 7 of Article 15, title "Miscellaneous", and Sections 3 and 4 of Article 17, title "Quadrennial Elections"; and to propose the repeal of certain sections of the Constitution of Maryland, being Sections 3 and 8 of Article 3, title "Legislative Department", Section 6 of Article 7, title "Sundry Officers", Section 3 of Article 9, title "Militia and Military Affairs", Sections 1 to 7, inclusive, comprising all of Article 10, title "Labor and Agriculture", Sections 3 and 8 of Article 15, title "Miscellaneous", and Sections 5, 6, 7, 9,10, and 12 of Article 17, title "Quadrennial Elections" ; removing from the State Constitution certain obsolete, outmoded or incorrect material, generally amending the Constitution of Maryland, and submitting these amendments to the qualified voters of the State for adoption or rejection. SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Maryland (three-fifths of all the members elected to each of the two Houses concurring), That the following sections be and they are hereby proposed as amendments to Sections 1 and 5 of Article 1 of the Constitution of Maryland, title "Elective Franchise", Sections 2 and 13 of Article 2, title "Executive Department", Sections 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 58 of Article 3, title "Legislative Department", Sections 14, 15, 17, 18, 19, 24, 25, 37, 40 and 41 of Article 4, title "Judiciary Department", Sections 1 and 7 of Article 5, title "Attorney General and State's Attorney", Sections 1 and 2 of Article 7, title "Sundry Officers", Section 2 of Article 12, title "Public Works", Section 2 of Article 14, title "Amendments to the Constitution", Sections 1 and 7 of Article 15, title "Miscellaneous", and Sections 3 and 4 of Article 17, title "Quadrennial Elections"; and that the following sections of the Constitution of Maryland be and they are hereby proposed to be repealed, being Sections 3 and 8 of Article 3, title "Legislative Department", Section 6 of Article 7, title "Sundry Officers", Section 3 of Article 9, title "Militia and Military Affairs", Sections 1 to 7, inclusive, comprising all of Article 10, title "Labor and Agriculture", Sections 3 and 8 of Article 15, title "Miscellaneous", and Sections 5, 6, 7, 9, 10, and 12 of Article 17, title "Quadrennial Elections", all to read as follows if adopted by the qualified voters of the State of Maryland: [Approved March 26, 1956.] [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 135 001.0 001.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 1, "Elective Franchise" SEC. 1. All elections shall be by ballot; and every citizen of the United States, of the age of twenty-one years, or upwards, who has been a resident of the State for one year, and of the Legislative District of Baltimore city, or of the county, in which he may offer to vote, for six months next preceding the election, shall be entitled to vote, in the ward or election district, in which he resides, at all elections hereafter to be held in this State; and in case any county, or city, shall be so divided as to form portions of different electoral districts, for the election of Representatives in Congress, Senators, Delegates or other Officers, then, to entitle a person to vote for such officer, he must have been a resident of that part of the county, or city, which shall FORM a part of the electoral district, in which he offers to vote, for six months next preceding the election; but a person, who shall have acquired a residence in such county or city, entitling him to vote at any such election, shall be entitled to vote in the election district from which he removed, until he shall have acquired a residence in the part of the county, or city, to which he has removed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 136 005.0 001.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 5. The General Assembly shall provide by law for a uniform Registration of the names of all the voters in this State, who possess the qualifications prescribed in this Article, which Registration shall be conclusive evidence to the Judges of Election of the right of every person, thus registered, to vote at any election thereafter held in this State; but no person shall vote, at any election, Federal or State, hereafter to be held in this State, or at any municipal election in the City of Baltimore, unless his name appears in the list of registered voters; [and until the General Assembly shall hereafter pass an Act for the Registration of the names of voters, the Law in force on the first day of June, in the year eighteen hundred and sixty-seven, in reference thereto, shall be continued in force, except so far as it may be inconsistent with the provisions of this Constitution; and the registry of voters, made in pursuance thereof, may be corrected as provided in said Law; but] the names of all persons shall be added to the list of qualified voters by the officers of Registration, who have the qualifications prescribed in the first section of this Article, and who are not disqualified under the provisions of the second and third sections thereof. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 137 002.0 002.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-182 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 2, "Executive Department" SEC. 2. An election for Governor, under this Constitution, shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and on the same day and month in every fourth year thereafter, at the places of voting for Delegates to the General Assembly; and every person qualified to vote for Delegates, shall be qualified and entitled to vote for Governor; the election to be held in the same manner as the election of Delegates, and the returns thereof, under seal, to be addressed to the Speaker of the House of Delegates, and enclosed and transmitted to the Secretary of State, and delivered to said Speaker, at the commencement of the session of the General Assembly, next ensuing said election. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 138 013.0 002.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-182 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 13. All civil officers appointed by the Governor and Senate, shall be nominated to the Senate within fifty days from the commencement of each regular session of the Legislature; and their term of office, except in cases otherwise provided for in this Constitution, shall commence on the first Monday of May next ensuing their appointment, and continue for two years, (unless removed from office), and until their successors, respectively, qualify according to Law. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 139 002.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 3, "Legislative Department" SEC. 2. The City of Baltimore shall be divided into six legislative districts as near as may be of equal population and of contiguous territory, and each of said legislative districts of Baltimore City, as they may from time to time be laid out, in accordance with the provisions hereof, and each county in the State, shall be entitled to one Senator, who shall be elected by the qualified voters of the said legislative districts of Baltimore City and of the counties of the State, respectively, and shall serve for four years from the date of his election. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 140 003.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 3. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 141 004.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 4. The General Assembly shall have the power to provide by law, from time to time, for altering and changing the boundaries of the existing Legislative Districts of the City of Baltimore, so as to make them as near as may be of equal population; but said district shall always consist of contiguous territory. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 142 005.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 5. The membership of the House of Delegates shall consist of one hundred and twenty-three (123) Delegates, apportioned as follows: Calvert, Caroline, Charles, Howard, Kent, Queen Anne's, and St. Mary's Counties, two Delegates each; Cecil, Garrett, Somerset, Talbot, and Worcester Counties, three Delegates each; Carroll, Dorchester, Harford, and Wicomico Counties, four Delegates each; Allegany, Anne Arundel, Baltimore, Frederick, Montgomery, Prince George's, and Washington Counties, and each of the six legislative districts of Baltimore City, six Delegates each. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 143 006.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 6. The members of the House of Delegates shall be elected by the qualified voters of the Counties, and the Legislative Districts of Baltimore City, respectively, to serve for [two] four years, from the day of their election. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 144 007.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 7. The election for Senators and Delegates shall take place on the Tuesday next, after the first Monday in the month of November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eighty and in every fourth year thereafter. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 145 008.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 8. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 146 058.0 003.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 58. The Legislature shall provide by Law for State and municipal taxation upon the revenues accruing from business done in the State by all foreign corporations. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 147 014.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 4, "Judiciary Department" SEC. 14. The Court of Appeals shall be composed of five Judges, two from the City of Baltimore; one from the First Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting of Cecil, Kent, Queen Anne's, Caroline, Talbot, Dorchester, Wicomico, Worcester and Somerset Counties; one from the Second Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting of Harford, Baltimore, Anne Arundel, Prince George's, Charles, Calvert and St. Mary's Counties; and one from the Third Appellate Judicial Circuit, consisting of Carroll, Howard, Montgomery, Frederick, Washington, Allegany, and Garrett Counties. The City of Baltimore shall, for the purposes of this section, be designated as the Fourth Appellate Judicial Circuit. The Judges of the Court of Appeals shall be elected by the qualified voters of their respective Appellate Judicial Circuits, their terms to begin on the date of their qualification. One of the Judges of the Court of Appeals shall be designated by the Governor as the Chief Judge. The jurisdiction of the Court of Appeals shall be co-extensive with the limits of the State and such as now is or may hereafter be prescribed by law. It shall hold its sessions in the City of Annapolis at such time or times as it shall from time to time by rule prescribe. Its session or sessions shall continue not less than ten months in each year, if the business before it shall so require, and it shall be competent for the judges temporarily to transfer their sittings elsewhere upon sufficient cause. The salary of each Judge of the Court of Appeals shall be that now or hereafter prescribed by the General Assembly and shall not be diminished during his continuance in office. Three of the Judges shall constitute a quorum, and the concurrence of a majority of a quorum shall be sufficient for the decision of any cause. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 148 015.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 15. The Judge who heard the cause below shall not participate in the decision; in every case an opinion, in writing, shall be filed within three months after the argument, or submission of the cause; and the judgment of the Court shall be final and conclusive; and all cases shall stand for hearing at the first term after the transmission of the Record. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 149 017.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 17. There shall be a Clerk of the Court of Appeals, who shall be appointed by and shall hold his office at the pleasure of said Court of Appeals. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 150 018.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 18. It shall be the duty of the Judges of the Court of Appeals to make and publish rules and regulations for the prosecution of appeals to said appellate Court, whereby they shall prescribe the periods within which appeals may be taken, what part or parts of the proceedings in the Court below shall constitute the record on appeal, and the manner in which such appeals shall be brought to hearing or determination, and shall regulate, generally, the practice of said Court of Appeals, so as to prevent delays, and promote brevity in all records and proceedings brought into said Court, and to abolish and avoid all unnecessary costs and expenses in the prosecution of appeals therein; and the said Judges shall make such reduction in the fees and expenses of the said Court as they may deem advisable. It shall also be the duty of said Judges of the Court of Appeals to devise, and promulgate by rules, or orders, forms and modes of framing and filing bills, answers, and other proceedings and pleadings in Equity; and also forms and modes of taking and obtaining evidence, to be used in Equity cases; and to revise and regulate, generally, the practice in the Courts of Equity of this State, so as to prevent delays, and to promote brevity and conciseness in all pleadings and proceedings therein, and to abolish all unnecessary costs and expenses attending the same. And all rules and regulations hereby directed to be made, shall, when made, have the force of Law, until rescinded, changed, or modified by the said Judges, or the General Assembly. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 151 019.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** SEC. 19. The State shall be divided into eight Judicial Circuits, in manner following, viz.: The Counties of Worcester, Wicomico, Somerset, and Dorchester, shall constitute the First Circuit; the Counties of Caroline, Talbot, Queen Anne's, Kent and Cecil, the Second; the Counties of Baltimore and Harford, the Third; the Counties of Allegany, Garrett, and Washington, the Fourth; the Counties of Carroll, Howard and Anne Arundel, the Fifth; the Counties of Montgomery and Frederick, the Sixth; the Counties of Prince George's, Charles, Calvert, and St. Mary's, the Seventh; and Baltimore City, the Eighth. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 152 024.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 24. The salary of each Chief Judge and of each Associate Judge of the Circuit Court shall not be diminished during his continuance in office. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 153 025.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 25. There shall be a Clerk of the Circuit Court for each County, who shall be elected by a plurality of the qualified voters of said County, and shall hold his office for [six] four years from the time of his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and be re-eligible, subject to be removed for willful neglect of duty or other misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of a Circuit Court, the Judges of said Court shall have power to fill such vacancy until the general election for Delegates to the General Assembly, to be held next thereafter, when a successor shall be elected for the term of [six] four years. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 154 037.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 37. There shall be a Clerk of each of the said Courts of Baltimore city, except the Supreme Bench, who shall be elected by the legal and qualified voters of said City, at the election to be held in said City on the Tuesday next after the First Monday of November, in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and shall hold his office for four years from the time of his election, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and be re-eligible thereto, subject to be removed for willful neglect of duty, or other misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. The salary of each of the said Clerks shall be PAYABLE AS PROVIDED IN SECTION 45 OF ARTICLE 3 OF THIS CONSTITUTION, and they shall be entitled to no other perquisites, or compensation. In case of a vacancy in the office of Clerk of any of said Courts, the Judges of said Supreme Bench of Baltimore City, shall have power to fill such vacancy until the general election of Delegates to the General Assembly, to be held next thereafter, when a Clerk of said Court shall be elected to serve for four years thereafter; and the provisions of this Article in relation to the appointment of Deputies by the Clerks of the Circuit Courts in the Counties shall apply to the Clerks of the Courts in Baltimore City. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 155 040.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 40. The qualified voters of the City of Baltimore, and of the several Counties, shall on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and on the same day in every fourth year thereafter, elect three men to be Judges of the Orphans' Courts of said City and Counties, respectively, who shall be citizens of the State, and residents for the twelve months preceding, in the City, or County, for which they may be elected. They shall have all the powers now vested in the Orphans' Courts of the State, subject to such changes as the Legislature may prescribe. Each of said Judges shall be paid a per diem for the time they are actually in session, to be regulated by law, and to be paid by the said City, or Counties respectively. In case of a vacancy in the office of Judge of the Orphans' Court, the Governor shall appoint, subject to confirmation, or rejection by the Senate, some suitable person to fill the same for the residue of the term. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 156 041.0 004.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 41. There shall be a Register of Wills in each county of the State, and the city of Baltimore, to be elected by the legal and qualified voters of said counties and city, respectively, who shall hold his office for four years from the time of his election and until his successor is elected and qualified; he shall be re-eligible, and subject at all times to removal for willful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office in the same manner that the Clerks of the Courts are removable. In the event of any vacancy in the office of the Register of Wills, said vacancy shall be filled by the Judges of the Orphans' Court, in which such vacancy occurs, until the next general election for Delegates to the General Assembly when a Register shall be elected to serve for four years thereafter. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 157 001.0 005.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 5, "Attorney-General and State's Attorney" SEC. 1. There shall be an Attorney-General elected by the qualified voters of the State, on general ticket, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November, nineteen hundred and fifty-eighty and on the same day. in every fourth year thereafter, who shall hold his office for four years from the time of his election and qualification, and until his successor is elected and qualified, and shall be re-eligible thereto, and shall be subject to removal for incompetency, willful neglect of duty or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 158 007.0 005.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 7. There shall be an Attorney for the State in each county, and the City of Baltimore, to be styled "The State's Attorney", who shall be elected by the voters thereof, respectively, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday of November, in the year, nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and on the same day every fourth year thereafter; and shall hold his office for four years from the first Monday in January next ensuing his election, and until his successor shall be elected and qualified; and shall be re-eligible thereto, and be subject to removal therefrom, for incompetency, willful neglect of duty, or misdemeanor in office, on conviction in a Court of Law, or by a vote of two-thirds of the Senate, on the recommendation of the Attorney-General. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 159 001.0 007.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 7, "Sundry Officers" SEC. 1. County Commissioners shall be elected on general ticket of each county by the qualified voters of the several counties of the State on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November, commencing in the year nineteen hundred and fifty-eight; their number in each county, their compensation, powers and duties shall be such as now or may be hereafter prescribed by law; they shall be elected at such times in such numbers and for such periods, not exceeding four years, as may be prescribed by law. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 160 002.0 007.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 2. The qualified voters of each County, and of the City of Baltimore, shall, on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November, in the year [eighteen hundred and sixty-seven] nineteen hundred and fifty-eight, and on the same day in every [second] fourth year thereafter, elect a Surveyor for each County and the City of Baltimore, respectively, whose term of office shall commence on the first Monday of January next ensuing their election, and whose duties and compensation shall be the same as are now or may hereafter be prescribed by Law. And any vacancy in the office of Surveyor, shall be filled by the Commissioners of the counties, or by the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, respectively, for the residue of the term. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 161 006.0 007.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 6. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 162 008.0 009.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 9, "Militia and Military Affairs" SEC. 8. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 163 000.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 10, "Labor and Agriculture. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 164 001.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 2. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 165 002.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 2. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 166 003.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 3. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 167 004.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 4. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 168 005.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 5. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 169 006.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 6. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 170 007.0 010.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Section 7. Repealed [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 171 002.0 012.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 12, "Public Works" SEC. 2. They shall exercise a diligent and faithful supervision of all Public Works in which the State may be interested as Stockholder or Creditor, and shall appoint the Directors in every Railroad and Canal Company, in which the State has the legal power to appoint Directors, which said Directors shall represent the State in all meetings of the Stockholders of the respective Companies for which they are appointed or elected. They shall require the Directors of all said Public Works to guard the public interest, and prevent the establishment of tolls which shall discriminate against the interest of the citizens or products of this State, and from time to time, and as often as there shall be any change in the rates of toll on any of the said Works, to furnish the said Board of Public Works a schedule of such modified rates of toll, and so adjust them as to promote the agricultural interests of the State; they shall report to the General Assembly at each regular session, and recommend such legislation as they may deem necessary and requisite to promote or protect the interests of the State in the said Public Works; they shall perform such other duties as may be hereafter prescribed by Law, and a majority of them shall be competent to act. The Governor, Comptroller and Treasurer shall receive no additional salary for services rendered by them as members of the Board of Public Works. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 172 002.0 014.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 14, "Amendments to the Constitution" SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the General Assembly to provide by Law for taking, at the general election to be held in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, and every twenty years thereafter, the sense of the People in regard to calling a Convention for altering this Constitution; and if a majority of voters at such election or elections shall vote for a Convention, the General Assembly, at its next session, shall provide by Law for the assembling of such convention, and for the election of Delegates thereto. Each County, and Legislative District of the City of Baltimore, shall have in such Convention a number of Delegates equal to its representation in both Houses at the time at which the Convention is called. But any Constitution, or change, or amendment of the existing Constitution, which may be adopted by such Convention, shall be submitted to the voters of this State, and shall have no effect unless the same shall have been adopted by a majority of the voters voting thereon. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 173 001.0 015.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 15, "Miscellaneous" SEC. 1. Every person holding any office created by, or existing under the Constitution, or Laws of the State (except Justices of the Peace, Constables and Coroners), or holding any appointment under any Court of this State, whose pay, or compensation is derived from fees, or moneys coming into his hands for the discharge of his official duties, or, in any way, growing out of, or connected with his office, shall keep a book in which shall be entered every sum, or sums of money, received by him, or on his account, as a payment or compensation for his performance of official duties, a copy of which entries in said book, verified by the oath of the officer, by whom it is directed to be kept, shall be returned yearly to the Comptroller of the State for his inspection, and that of the General Assembly of the State, to which the Comptroller shall, at each regular session thereof, make a report showing what officers have complied with this section; and each of the said officers, when the amount received by him for the year shall exceed the sum which he is by Law entitled to retain, as his salary or compensation for the discharge of his duties, and for the expenses of his office, shall yearly pay over to the Treasurer of the State the amount of such excess, subject to such disposition thereof as the General Assembly may direct; if any of such officers shall fail to comply with the requisitions of this section for the period of thirty days after the expiration of each and every year of his office, such officer shall be deemed to have vacated his office, and the Governor shall declare the same vacant, and the vacancy therein shall be filled as in the case of vacancy for any other cause, and such officer shall be subject to suit by the State for the amount that ought to be paid into the Treasury. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 174 003.0 015.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 3. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 175 007.0 015.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 7. All general elections in this State shall be held on the Tuesday next after the first Monday in the month of November, in the year in which they shall occur. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 176 008.0 015.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 8. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 177 003.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] Article 17, "Quadrennial Elections" SEC. 3. All State and county officers elected by the qualified voters shall hold office for terms of four years. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 178 004.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 4. All officers to be appointed by the Governor shall hold office for the terms fixed by law. All officers appointed by County Commissioners shall hold office for terms of four years, unless otherwise duly changed by law. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 179 005.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 5. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 180 006.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 6. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 181 007.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 7. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 182 009.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 9. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 183 010.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 10. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** MSTART 184 012.0 017.0 0 MD 1867 1956 *** [Amendments 134-184 were all created by Act of 1956, CHAPTER 99. Ratified 1956 (House Bill 7)] SEC. 12. Repealed. [Approved March 26, 1956.] *** MEND *** *** CEND ***