New Jersey Constitution, Amendments, 1947-Present *** MSTART 001 008.0 004.0 2 NJ 1947 1953 *** Article IV, Section 8, paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and adopted by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restriction and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, five or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein, and B. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling or rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes in the specific kind of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious, or public-spirited uses in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance. Amended Nov. 3, 1953 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 002 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1953 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Any citizen and resident of this State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstance from active service, in time of war or of other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be exempt form taxation on real and personal property to an aggregate assessed valuation not exceeding five hundred dollars ($500.00), which exemption shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further exemption from taxation as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as defined in any such service shall be entitled, during her widowhood, and while a resident of this State, to the exemption in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further exemption as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and who died while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, or who has been or may hereafter be honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service in time of war or other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, during her widowhood and while a resident of this State, to the exemption in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further exemptions as from time to time may be provided by law. Amended Nov. 3, 1953. *** MEND *** ***MSTART 003 003.0 002.0 0 NJ 1945 1957 *** Article II, Section 3 3. Every citizen of the United States, of the age of 21 years, who shall have been a resident of the State 6 months, and of the county in which he claims his vote 60days, next before election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that are now or hereafter may be elective by the people and upon all questions which may be submitted to a vote of the people. Amended Nov. 5, 1957. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 004 004.0 008.0 2 NJ 1945 1958 *** Article VIII, Section 4, paragraph 2 2. The fund for the support of free public schools, and all money, stock and other property, which may hereafter be appropriated for that purpose, or received into the treasury under the provision of any law heretofore passed to augment the said fund, shall be securely invested, and remain a perpetual fund; and the income thereof, except so much as it may be judged expedient to apply to an increase of the capital, shall be annually appropriated to the support of free public schools, and for the equal benefit of all the people of the State; and it shall not be competent except as hereinafter provided, for the Legislature to borrow, appropriate or use the said fund or any part thereof for any other purpose, under any pretense whatever. The bonds of any school district of this State, issued according to law, shall be proper and secure investments for the said fund and, in addition, said fund, including he income therefrom and any other moneys duly appropriated to the support of free public schools may be used in such manner as the legislature may provide by law to secure the payment of the principle of or interest on bonds or notes issued for school purposes by counties, municipalities or school districts or for the payment or purchase of any such bonds or notes or any claims for interest thereon. Adopted Nov. 4, 1958. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 005 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1960 *** Article VII, Section 1, adding new paragraph number 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting exemption from taxation on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such exemption shall be in excess of $800.00 in the assessed valuation of such property and such exemption shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year. Any such exemption when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will no be in addition to any other exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled. New. Adopted November 8, 1960. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 006 006.0 004.0 4 NJ 1945 1961 *** Article IV, Section 6, adding new paragraph number 4 4. The Legislature, in order to insure continuity of State, county and local governmental operations in periods of emergency resulting from disasters caused by enemy attack, shall have the power and the immediate and continuing duty by legislation (1) to provide, prior to the occurrence of the emergency, for prompt and temporary succession to the powers and duties of public offices, of whatever nature and whether filled by election or appointment, the incumbents of which may become unavailable for carrying on the powers and duties of such offices, and (2) to adopt such other measures as may be necessary and proper for insuring the continuity of governmental operations. In the exercise of the powers hereby conferred, the Legislature shall in all respects conform to the requirements of this Constitution except to the extent that in the judgment of the Legislature to do so would be impractical or would admit of undue delay. Amended Nov. 7, 1961 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 007 003.0 002.0 0 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article II, Section 3 3. (A) Every citizen of the United States , of the age of 21 years, who shall have been a resident of this State 6 months and of the county in which he claims his vote 40 days, next before the election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective by the people, and upon all question which may be submitted to a vote of the people; and (b) Every citizen of the United States, of the age of 21 years, who shall have been a resident of the State and of the county in which he claims his vote 40 days, next before the election and who shall not be eligible to vote elsewhere, shall be entitled to qualify and to vote for electors for President and Vice President of the United States only, in such manner as the Legislature shall provide; and (c) Any person registered as a voter in any election district of this State who has removed or shall remove to another State or to another county within this State and is not able there to qualify to vote by reason of an insufficient period of residence in such State or county, shall, as a citizen of the United States, have the right to vote for electors for President and Vice President of the United States, only, by Presidential Elector Absentee Ballot, in the county from which he has removed, in such a manner as the Legislature shall provide. Amended Dec. 5, 1963 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 008 001.0 008.0 1 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 1 1. (a) Property shall be assessed for taxation under general laws and by uniform rules. All real property assessed and taxed locally or by the State for allotment and payment to taxing districts shall be assessed according to the same standard of value, except as otherwise permitted herein, and such real property shall be taxed at the general tax rate of the taxing district in which the property is situated, for the use of such taxing district. (b) The Legislature shall enact laws to provide that the value of land, not less than 5 acres in area, which is determined by the assessing officer of the taxing jurisdiction to be actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use and to have been so devoted for at least the 2 successive years immediately preceding the tax year in issue, shall, for local tax purposes, on application of the owner, be that value which such land has for agricultural or horticultural use. Any such laws shall provide that when land which has been valued in this manner for local tax purposes is applied to a use other than for agriculture or horticulture it shall be subject to additional taxes in amount equal to the difference, if any, between the taxes paid or payable on the basis of the valuation and the assessment authorized hereunder and the taxes that would have been paid or payable had the land been valued and assessed as otherwise provided in the Constitution, in the current year and in such of the tax years immediately preceding, not in excess of 2 such years in which the land was valued as herein authorized. Such laws shall also provide for the equalization of assessments of land valued in accordance with the provisions hereof and for the assessment and collection of any additional taxes levied thereupon and shall include such other provisions as shall be necessary to carry out the provision of this amendment. Adopted 11/5/63 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 009 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Any citizen and resident of the State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released from active service, in time of war or of other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, annually, to a deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on real and personal property, or both, in the sum of $50.00 or if the amount of any such tax bill shall be less than $50.00, to a cancellation thereof, which deduction or cancellation shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further deduction from taxation as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any such service shall be entitled, during her widowhood, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deduction as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and who died or shall die while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, during her widowhood and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deductions as from time to time may be provided by law. Amended 11/5/63 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 010 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of the State of the age of 65 or more years residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such deduction shall be in excess of $80.00 and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled. Amended 11/5/63, Effective 12/5/63 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 011 001.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article 4, Section 1, Paragraph 2 2. No person shall be a member of the Senate who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and have been a citizen and resident of the State for four years, and of the district for which he sha1l te elected one year, next before his election. No person shall be a member of the General Assembly who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years and have been a citizen and resident of the State for two years, and of the district for which he shall he elected one year next before his election. No person shall be eligible for membership in the Legislature unless he be entitled to the right of suffrage. Adopted general election Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 012 004.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 4, paragraph 2 2. If the Apportionment Commission fails so to certify such establishment and apportionment to the Secretary of State on or before the date fixed or if prior thereto it determines that it will be unable to do so, it shall so certify to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and he shall appoint an eleventh member of the Commission. The Commission so constituted, by a majority of the whole number of its members, shall, within one month after the appointment of such eleventh member, certify to the Secretary of State the establishment of Senate and Assembly districts and the apportionment of senators and members of the General Assembly. Amended general election Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 013 001.0 005.0 14 NJ 1968 *** Article V, Section 1, paragraph 14 14. (a) Every bill which shall have passed both houses shall be presented to the Governor. If he approves he shall sign it, hut if not he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large on its journal and proceed to reconsider it. If upon reconsideration, on or after the third lay following the return of the bill, 2/3 of all the members of the house of origin shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections of the Governor, to the other house, by which it shall be reconsidered and if approved by 2/3 of all the members of that house, it shall become a law; and in all such cases the votes of each house shall he determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If a bill shall not be returned by the Governor within10 days, Sundays excepted, after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law on the tenth day, unless the house of origin shall on that day be in adjournment. If on the tenth day the house of origin shall be in temporary adjournment in the course of a regular or special session, the bill shall become a law on the day on which the house of origin shall reconvene, unless the Governor shall on that day return the bill to that house. (b) If on the tenth day the Legislature is in adjournment sine die, the bill shall become a law if the Governor shall sign it within 45 days, Sundays excepted, after such adjournment. On the said forty-fifth day the bill shall become a law, notwithstanding the failure of the Governor to sign it within the period last stated, unless at or before noon he shall return it with his objections to the house of origin: (1) on said forty-fifth day, if the house shall have again convened in regular or special session of the same 2-year Legislature and shall be meeting on said day, or (2) on the day upon which the house shall reconvene, if it is in temporary adjournment in the course of a regular or special session of the same 2-year Legislature on said forty-fifth day, or (3) on said forty-fifth day, if the House is in adjournment sine die on said day, at a special session of the Legislature which ball convene on that day, without petition or call, for the sole purpose of acting pursuant to this paragraph upon bills returned by the Governor. At such specia1 session a bill may be reconsidered on or after the first day following return of the bill, in the manner provided in this paragraph for the reconsideration of bills, and if approved upon reconsideration by 2/3 of all the members of each house, it shall become a law. The Governor, in returning with his objections a bill for reconsideration at any general or special session of tie Legislature, may recommend that an amendment or amendments specified by him be made in the bill, and in such case the Legislature may amend and re-enact the bill. If a bill be so amended and re-enacted, it shall he presented again to the Governor, but shall become a law only if he shall sign it within 10 days after presentation; and no bill shall be returned by the Governor a second time. A special session of the Legislature shall not be convened pursuant to this paragraph whenever the forty-fifth day, Sundays excepted, after adjournment sine die of a regular or special session shall fall on or after the last day of the legislative year in which the second annual session was held, in which event any bill not signed by the Governor within such 45-day period shall not become a law. Amended general election Nov. 5, 1968. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 014 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1969 *** Article IV, Section 7, paragraph 2 No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers other designations, 5 or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public spirited uses, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein. B. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall he prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law the conduct of such games of chance, and C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, State aid for education. Amended Nov. 4, 1969. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 015 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1970 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 The Legislature may, from time to tine enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years residing In a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income exclusive of social security benefits not in excess of $5,000.00 per year. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to 2 of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deductions pursuant to this paragraph. Amended Nov. 3, 1970 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 016 002.0 001.0 0 NJ 1945 1993 *** Article I, Section 2 a. All political power is inherent in the people. Government is instituted for the protection, security, and benefit of the people, and they have the right at all times to alter or reform the same, whenever the public good may require it. b. The people reserve unto themselves the power to recall, after at least one year of service, any elected official in this State or representing this State in the United States Congress. The Legislature shall enact laws to provide for such recall elections. Any such laws shall include a provision that a recall election shall be held upon petition of at least 25% of the registered voters in the electoral district of the official sought to be recalled. If legislation to implement this constitutional amendment is not enacted within one year of the adoption of the amendment, the Secretary of State shall, by regulation, implement the constitutional amendment, except that regulations adopted by the Secretary of State shall be superseded by any subsequent legislation consistent with this constitutional amendment governing recall elections. The sufficiency of any statement of reasons or grounds procedurally required shall be a political rather than a judicial question. Amended Nov. 2, 1993. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 017 009.0 001.0 0 NJ 1945 1973 *** Article I, Section 9 9. The right of trial by jury shall remain inviolate; but the Legislature may authorize the trial of civil causes by a jury of six persons. The Legislature may provide that in any civil cause a verdict may be rendered by not less than five-sixths of the jury. The legislature may authorize the trial of the issue of mental incompetency without a jury. Amended November 6, 1973. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 018 012.0 001.0 0 NJ 1945 1992 *** Article I, Section 12 12. Excessive bail shall not be required, excessive fines shall not be imposed, and cruel and unusual punishments shall not be inflicted. It shall not be cruel and unusual punishment to impose the death penalty on a person convicted of purposely or knowingly causing death or purposely or knowingly causing serious bodily injury resulting in death who committed the homicidal act by his own conduct or who as an accomplice procured the commission of the offense by payment or promise of payment of anything of pecuniary value. Amended November 3, 1992. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 019 022.0 001.0 0 NJ 1945 1991 *** Article I, Section 22 22. A victim of a crime shall be treated with fairness, compassion and respect by the criminal justice system. A victim of a crime shall not be denied the right to be present at public judicial proceedings except when, prior to completing testimony as a witness, the victim is properly sequestered in accordance with law or the Rules Governing the Courts of the State of New Jersey. A victim of a crime shall be entitled to those rights and remedies as may be provided by the Legislature. For the purposes of this paragraph, Avictim of a crime@ means: a) a person who has suffered physical or psychological injury or has incurred loss of or damage to personal or real property as a result of a crime or an incident involving another person operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and b) the spouse, parent, legal guardian, grandparent, child or sibling of the decedent in the case of a criminal homicide. Amended November 5, 1991. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 020 001.0 002.0 1 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 1 1. General elections shall be held annually on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November; but the time of holding such elections may be altered by law. The Governor and members of the Legislature shall be chosen at general elections. Local elective officers shall be chosen at general elections or at such other times as shall be provided by law. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 021 001.0 002.0 2 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 2 2. All questions submitted to the people of the entire State shall be voted upon at the general election next occurring at least 70 days following the final action of the Governor or the Legislature, as appropriate, necessary to submit the questions. The text of any such question shall be published at least once in one or more newspapers of each county, if any newspapers be published therein, at least 60 days before the election at which it is to be submitted to the people, and the results of the vote upon a question shall be void unless the text thereof shall have been so published. Amended Nov. 7, 1995, *** MEND *** *** MSTART 022 001.0 002.0 3 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. (a) Every citizen of the United States, of the age of 18 years, who shall have been a resident of this State and of the county in which he claims his vote 30 days, next before the election, shall be entitled to vote for all officers that now are or hereafter may be elective by the people, and upon all questions which may be submitted to a vote of the people; and (b) (Deleted by amendment, effective December 5, 1974.) (c) Any person registered as a voter in any election district of this State who has removed or shall remove to another state or to another county within this State and is not able there to qualify to vote by reason of an insufficient period of residence in such state or county, shall, as a citizen of the United States, have the right to vote for electors for President and Vice President of the United States, only, by Presidential Elector Absentee Ballot, in the county from which he has removed, in such manner as the Legislature shall provide. Amended Nov. 7, 1995 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 023 001.0 002.0 4 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. In time of war no elector in the military service of the State or in the armed forces of the United States shall be deprived of his vote by reason of absence from his election district. The Legislature may provide for absentee voting by members of the armed forces of the United States in time of peace. The Legislature may provide the manner in which and the time and place at which such absent electors may vote, and for the return and canvass of their votes in the election district in which they respectively reside. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 024 001.0 002.0 5 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 5 5. No person in the military, naval or marine service of the United States shall be considered a resident of this State by being stationed in any garrison, barrack, or military or naval place or station within this State. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 025 001.0 002.0 6 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 6. 6. No idiot or insane person shall enjoy the right of suffrage. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 026 001.0 002.0 7 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 1, paragraph 7 7. The Legislature may pass laws to deprive persons of the right of suffrage who shall be convicted of such crimes as it may designate. Any person so deprived, when pardoned or otherwise restored by law to the right of suffrage, shall again enjoy that right. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 027 002.0 002.0 1 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 1 1. (a) After each federal census taken in a year ending in zero, the Congressional districts shall be established by the New Jersey Redistricting Commission. The commission shall consist of 13 members, none of whom shall be a member or employee of the Congress of the United States. The members of the commission shall be appointed with due consideration to geographic, ethnic and racial diversity and in the manner provided herein. (b) There shall first be appointed 12 members as follows: (1) two members to be appointed by the President of the Senate; (2) two members to be appointed by the Speaker of the General Assembly; (3) two members to be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; (4) two members to be appointed by the minority leader of the General Assembly; and (5) four members, two to be appointed by the chairman of the State committee of the political party whose candidate for the office of Governor received the largest number of votes at the most recent gubernatorial election and two to be appointed by the chairman of the State committee of the political party whose candidate for the office of Governor received the next largest number of votes in that election. Appointments to the commission under this subparagraph shall be made on or before June 15 of each year ending in one and shall he certified by the respective appointing officials to the Secretary of State on or before July 1 of that year. Each partisan delegation so appointed shall appoint one of its members as its chairman who shall have authority to make such certifications and to perform such other tasks as the members of that delegation shall reasonably require. (c) There shall then be appointed one member, to serve as an independent member, who shall have been for the preceding five years a resident of this State, but who shall not during that period have held public or party office in this State. The independent member shall be appointed upon the vote of at least seven of the previously appointed members of the commission on or before July 15 of each year ending in one, and those members shall certify that appointment to the Secretary of State on or before July 20 of that year. If the previously appointed members are unable to appoint an independent member within the time allowed therefor, they shall so certify to the Supreme Court not later than that July 20 and shall include in that certification the names of the two persons who, in the members= final vote upon the appointment of the independent member, received the greatest number of votes. Not later than August 10 following receipt of that certification, the Supreme Court shall by majority vote of its full authorized membership select, of the two persons so named, the one more qualified by education and occupational experience, by prior public service in government or otherwise, and by demonstrated ability to represent the best interest of the people of this State, to be the independent member. The Court shall certify that selection to the Secretary of State not later than the following August 15. (d) Vacancies in the membership of the commission occurring prior to the certification by the commission of Congressional districts or during any period in which the districts established by the commission may be or are under challenge in court shall be filled in the same manner as the original appointments were made within five days of their occurrence. In the case of a vacancy in the membership of the independent member, if the other members of the commission are unable to fill that vacancy within that five-day period, they shall transmit certification of such inability within three days of the expiration of the period to the Supreme Court, which shall select the person to fill the vacancy within five days of receipt of that certification. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 028 002.0 002.0 2 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 2 2. The independent member shall serve as the chairman of the commission. The commission shall meet to organize as soon as may be practicable after certification of the appointment of the independent member, but not later than the Wednesday after the first Monday in September of each year ending in one. At the organizational meeting the members of the commission shall determine such organizational matters as they deem appropriate. Thereafter, a meeting of the commission may be called by the chairman or upon the request of seven members, and seven members of the commission shall constitute a quorum at any meeting thereof for the purpose of taking any action. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 029 002.0 002.0 3 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 3 3. On or before the third Tuesday of each year ending in two, or within three months after receipt in each decade by the appropriate State officer of the official statement by the Clerk of the United States House of Representatives, issued pursuant to federal law, regarding the number of members of the House of Representatives apportioned to this State for that decade, whichever is later, the commission shall certify the establishment of the Congressional districts to the Secretary of State. The commission shall certify the establishment of districts pursuant to a majority vote of the full authorized membership of the commission convened in open public meeting, of which meeting there shall be at least 24 hours= public notice. Any vote by the commission upon a proposal to certify the establishment of a Congressional district plan shall be taken by roll call and shall be recorded, and the vote of any member in favor of any Congressional district plan shall nullify any vote which that member shall previously have cast during the life of the commission in favor of a different Congressional district plan. If the commission is unable to certify the establishment of districts by the time required due to the inability of a plan to achieve seven votes, the two district plans receiving the greatest number of votes, but not fewer than five votes, shall be submitted to the Supreme Court, which shall select and certify whichever of the two plans so submitted conforms most closely to the requirements of the Constitution and laws of the United States. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 030 002.0 002.0 4 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 4 4. The New Jersey Redistricting Commission shall hold at least three public hearings in different parts of the State. The commission shall, subject to the constraints of time and convenience, review written plans for the establishment of Congressional districts submitted by members of the public. Adopted Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 031 002.0 002.0 5 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 5 5. Meetings of the New Jersey Redistricting Commission shall be held at convenient times and locations and, with the exception of the public hearings required by paragraph 4 of this section 1 and the meeting at which the establishment of districts is certified as prescribed by paragraph 3 of this section,2 may be closed to the public. Amended Nov. 7. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 032 002.0 002.0 6 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article II, Section 2, paragraph 6 6. The Legislature shall appropriate the funds necessary for the efficient operation of the New Jersey Redistricting Commission. Amended Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 033 001.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 1, paragraph 2 2. No person shall be a member of the Senate who shall not have attained the age of thirty years, and have been a citizen and resident of the State for four years, and of the district for which he shall be elected one year, next before his election. No person shall be a member of the General Assembly who shall not have attained the age of twenty-one years and have been a citizen and resident of the State for two years, and of the district for which he shall be elected one year, next before his election. No person shall be eligible for membership in the Legislature unless he be entitled to the right of suffrage. Amended Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 034 001.0 004.0 3 NJ 1945 1968 *** Article IV, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Each Legislature shall be constituted for a term of 2 years beginning at noon on the second Tuesday in January in each even numbered year, at which time the Senate and General Assembly shall meet and organize separately and the first annual session of the Legislature shall commence. Said first annual session shall terminate at noon on the second Tuesday in January next following, at which time the second annual session shall commence and it shall terminate at noon on the second Tuesday in January then next following but either session may be sooner terminated by adjournment sine die. All business before either House or any of the committees thereof at the end of the first annual session may be resumed in the second annual session. The legislative year shall commence at noon on the second Tuesday in January of each year. Amended Nov. 5, 1968. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 035 002.0 004.0 1 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 2, paragraph 1 1. The Senate shall be composed of forty senators apportioned among Senate districts as nearly as may be according to the number of their inhabitants as reported in the last preceding decennial census of the United States and according to the method of equal proportions. Each Senate district shall be composed, wherever practicable, of one single county, and, if not so practicable, of two or more contiguous whole counties. Amended Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 036 002.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 2, paragraph 2 2. Each senator shall be elected by the legally qualified voters of the Senate district, except that if the Senate district is composed of two or more counties and two senators are apportioned to the district, one senator shall be elected by the legally qualified voters of each Assembly district. Each senator shall be elected for a term beginning at noon of the second Tuesday in January next following his election and ending at noon of the second Tuesday in January four years thereafter, except that each senator, to be elected for a term beginning in January of the second year following the year in which a decennial census of the United States is taken, shall be elected for a term of two years. Amended Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 037 002.0 004.0 3 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 2, paragraph 3 3. The General Assembly shall be composed of eighty members. Each Senate district to which only one senator is apportioned shall constitute an Assembly district. Each of the remaining Senate districts shall be divided into Assembly districts equal in number to the number of senators apportioned to the Senate district. The Assembly districts shall be composed of contiguous territory, as nearly compact and equal in the number of their inhabitants as possible, and in no event shall each such district contain less than eighty per cent nor more than one hundred twenty per cent of one-fortieth of the total number of inhabitants of the State as reported in the last preceding decennial census of the United States. Unless necessary to meet the foregoing requirements, no county or municipality shall be divided among Assembly districts unless it shall contain more than one-fortieth of the total number of inhabitants of the state, and no county or municipality shall be divided among a number of Assembly districts larger than one plus the whole number obtained by dividing the number of inhabitants in the county or municipality by one-fortieth of the total number of inhabitants of the State. New. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 038 002.0 004.0 4 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 2, paragraph 4 4. Two members of the General Assembly shall be elected by the legally qualified voters of each Assembly district for terms beginning at noon of the second Tuesday in January next following their election and ending at noon of the second Tuesday in January two years thereafter. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 039 003.0 004.0 1 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 1 1. After the next and every subsequent decennial census of the United States, the Senate districts and Assembly districts shall be established, and the senators and members of the General Assembly shall be apportioned among them, by an Apportionment Commission consisting of ten members, five to be appointed by the chairman of the State committee of each of the two political parties whose candidates for governor receive the largest number of votes at the most recent gubernatorial election. Each State chairman, in making such appointments, shall give due consideration to the representation of the various geographical areas of the State. Appointments to the Commission shall be made on or before November 15 of the year in which such census is taken and shall be certified by the Secretary of State on or before December 1 of that year. The Commission, by a majority of the whole number of its members, shall certify the establishment of Senate and Assembly districts and the apportionment of senators and members of the general Assembly to the Secretary of State within one month of the receipt by the Governor of the official decennial census of the United States for New Jersey, or on or before February 1 of the year following the year in which the census is taken, whichever date is later. New. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 040 003.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 2 2. If the Apportionment Commission fails so to certify such establishment and apportionment to the Secretary of State on or before the date fixed or if prior thereto it determines that it will be unable so to do, it shall so certify to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey and he shall appoint an eleventh member of the Commission. The Commission so constituted, by a majority of the whole number of its members, shall, within one month after the appointment of such eleventh member, certify to the Secretary of State the establishment of Senate and Assembly districts and the apportionment of senators and members of the General Assembly. New. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 041 003.0 004.0 3 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article IV, Section 3, paragraph 3 3. Such establishment and apportionment shall be used thereafter for the election of members of the Legislature and shall remain unaltered until the following decennial census of the United States for New Jersey shall have been received by the Governor. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 042 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1969 *** Article IV, Section 7, paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance some times known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, 5 or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public spirited uses, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein. B. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance, and C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, State aid for education. New. Amended Nov. 4, 1969. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 043 001.0 005.0 14 NJ 1945 1968 *** Article V, Section 1, paragraph 14 14. (a) Every bill which shall have passed both houses shall be presented to the Governor. If he approves he shall sign it, but if not he shall return it, with his objections, to the house in which it shall have originated, which shall enter the objections at large on its journal and proceed to reconsider it. If upon reconsideration, on or after the third day following the return of the bill, two-thirds of all the members of the house of origin shall agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections of the Governor, to the other house, by which it shall be reconsidered and if approved by two-thirds of all the members of that house, it shall become a law; and in all such cases the votes of each house shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal of each house respectively. If a bill shall not be returned by the Governor within 10 days, Sundays excepted, after it shall have been presented to him, the same shall become a law on the tenth day, unless the house of origin shall on that day be in adjournment. If on the tenth day the house of origin shall be in temporary adjournment in the course of a regular or special session, the bill shall become a law on the day on which the house of origin shall reconvene, unless the Governor shall on that day return the bill to that house. (b) If on the tenth day the Legislature is in adjournment sine die, the bill shall become a law if the Governor shall sign it within 45 days, Sundays excepted, after such adjournment. On the said forty-fifth day the bill shall become a law, notwithstanding the failure of the Governor to sign it within the period last stated, unless at or before noon he shall return it with his objections to the house of origin: (1) on said forty-fifth day, if the house shall have again convened in regular or special session of the same 2-year Legislature and shall be meeting on said day, or (2) on the day upon which the house shall reconvene, if it is in temporary adjournment in the course of a regular or special session of the same 2-year Legislature on said forty-fifth day, or (3) on said forty-fifth day, if the house is an adjournment sine die on said day, at a special session of the Legislature which shall convene on that day, without petition or call, for the sole purpose of acting pursuant to this paragraph upon bills returned by the Governor. At such special session a bill may be reconsidered on or after the first day following return of the bill, in the manner provided in this paragraph for the reconsideration of bills, and if approved upon reconsideration by two-thirds of all the members of each house, it shall become a law. The Governor, in returning with his objections a bill for reconsideration at any general or special session of the Legislature, may recommend that an amendment or amendments specified by him be made in the bill, and in such case the Legislature may amend and re-enact the bill. If a bill be so amended and re-enacted, it shall be presented again to the Governor, but shall become a law only if he shall sign it within 10 days after presentation; and no bill shall be returned by the Governor a second time. A special session of the Legislature shall not be convened pursuant to this paragraph whenever the forty-fifth day, Sundays excepted, after adjournment sine die of a regular or special session shall fall on or after the last day of the legislative year in which the second annual session was held; in which event any bill not signed by the Governor within such 45-day period shall not become a law. Amended Nov. 5, 1968. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 044 001.0 008.0 1 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 1 1. (a) Property shall be assessed for taxation under general laws and by uniform rules. All real property assessed and taxed locally or by the State for allotment and payment to taxing districts shall be assessed according to the same standard of value, except as otherwise permitted herein, and such real property shall be taxed at the general tax rate of the taxing district in which the property is situated, for the use of such taxing district. (b) The Legislature shall enact laws to provide that the value of land, not less than 5 acres in area, which is determined by the assessing officer of the taxing jurisdiction to be actively devoted to agricultural or horticultural use and to have been so devoted for at least the 2 successive years immediately preceding the tax year in issue, shall, for local tax purposes, on application of the owner, be that value which such land has for agricultural or horticultural use. Any such laws shall provide that when land which has been valued in this manner for local tax purposes is applied to a use other than for agriculture or horticulture it shall be subject to additional taxes in an amount equal to the difference, if any, between the taxes paid or payable on the basis of the valuation and the assessment authorized hereunder and the taxes that would have been paid or payable had the land been valued and assessed as otherwise provided in this Constitution, in the current year and in such of the tax years immediately preceding, not in excess of 2 such years in which the land was valued as herein authorized. Such laws shall also provide for the equalization of assessments of land valued in accordance with the provisions hereof and for the assessment and collection of any additional taxes levied thereupon and shall include such other provisions as shall be necessary to carry out the provisions of this amendment. Amended Nov. 5, 1963. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 045 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1963 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Any citizen and resident of this State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service, in time of war or of other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, annually, to a deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on real and personal property, or both, in the sum of $50.00 or if the amount of any such tax bill shall be less than $50.00, to a cancellation thereof, which deduction or cancellation shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further deduction from taxation as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any such service shall be entitled, during her widowhood, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deduction as from time to time may be provided by law. The widow of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and who died or shall die while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, or who has been or may hereafter be honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, during her widowhood and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deductions as from time to time may be provided by law. Amended Nov. 5, 1963. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 046 004.0 008.0 2 NJ 1945 1958 *** Article VIII, Section 4, paragraph 2 2. The fund for the support of free public schools, and all money, stock and other property, which may hereafter be appropriated for that purpose, or received into the treasury under the provisions of any law heretofore passed to augment the said fund, shall be securely invested, and remain a perpetual fund; and the income thereof, except so much as it may be judged expedient to apply to an increase of the capital, shall be annually appropriated to the support of free public schools, and for the equal benefit of all the people of the State; and it shall not be competent, except as hereinafter provided, for the Legislature to borrow, appropriate or use the said fund or any part thereof for any other purpose, under any pretense whatever. The bonds of any school district of this State, issued according to law, shall be proper and secure investments for the said fund and, in addition, said fund, including the income therefrom and any other moneys duly appropriated to the support of free public schools may be used in such manner as the Legislature may provide by law to secure the payment of the principal of or interest on bonds or notes issued for school purposes by counties, municipalities or school district or for the payment or purchase of any such bonds or notes or any claims for interest thereon. Amended November 4, 1958. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 047 005.0 011.0 1 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article XI, Section 5, paragraph 1 1. For the purpose of electing senators in 1967 and until the 1970 decennial census of the United States for New Jersey shall have been received by the Governor, the forty senators are hereby allocated among fifteen Senate districts, as follows: First District B the counties of Gloucester, Atlantic and Cape May, two senators; Second District B the counties of Salem and Cumberland, one senator; Third District - the county of Camden, three senators; Fourth District B the counties of Burlington and Ocean, two senators; Fifth District B the county of Monmouth, two senators; Sixth District B the county of Mercer, two senators; Seventh District B the county of Middlesex, three senators; Eight District B the county of Somerset, one senator; Ninth District B the county of Union, three senators; Tenth District B the county of Morris, two senators; Eleventh District B the county of Essex, six senators; Twelfth District B the county of Hudson, four senators; Thirteenth District B the county of Bergen, five senators; Fourteenth District B the county of Passaic, three senators; and Fifteenth District B the counties of Sussex, Warren and Hunterdon, one senator. New. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 048 005.0 011.0 2 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article XI, Section 5, paragraph 2 2. For the purpose of electing members of the General Assembly and the senators from Assembly districts where so required in 1967 and until the 1970 census of the United States for New Jersey shall have been received by the Governor, the Assembly districts shall be established by an Apportionment Commission consisting of ten members, five to be appointed by the chairman of the state committee of each of the two political parties whose candidates for governor receive the largest number of votes at the most recent gubernatorial election. Each state chairman, in making such appointments, shall give due consideration to the representation of the various geographical areas of the state. Such Apportionment Commission shall be appointed no earlier than November 10 nor later than November 15, 1966, and their appointments shall be certified by the Secretary of State on or before December 1, 1966. The Commission, by a majority of the whole number of its members, shall certify the establishment of Assembly districts to the Secretary of State on or before February 1, 1967. New. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 049 005.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article VIII, Section 5, paragraph 3 3. If such Apportionment Commission fails so to certify the establishment of Assembly districts to the Secretary of State on or before the date fixed or if prior thereto it determines that it will be unable so to do, it shall so certify to the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of New Jersey, and he shall appoint an eleventh member of the Commission. Such Commission, by a majority of the whole number of its members, shall within one month after the appointment of such eleventh member certify to the Secretary of State the establishment of Assembly districts. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 050 005.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1966 *** Article VIII, Section 5, paragraph 4 4. The Assembly districts so established shall be used thereafter for the election of members of the General Assembly and shall remain unaltered until the following decennial census of the United States for New Jersey shall have been received by the Governor. Adopted Nov. 8, 1966. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 051 004.0 004.0 1 NJ 1945 1988 *** Article IV, Section 4, paragraph 1 1. Any vacancy in the Legislature otherwise than by expiration of term shall be filled by election for the unexpired term only at the next general election occurring not less than 51 days after the occurrence of the vacancy, except that no vacancy shall be filled at the general election which immediately precedes the expiration of the term in which the vacancy occurs. For the interim period pending the election and qualification of a successor to fill the vacancy, or for the remainder of the term in the case of a vacancy occurring which cannot be filled pursuant to the terms of this paragraph at a general election, the vacancy shall be filled within 35 days by the members of the county committee of the political party of which the incumbent was the nominee from the municipalities or districts or units thereof which comprise the legislative district. Amended Nov. 8, 1988. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 052 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1944 1999 *** Article IV, Section 7, paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization: A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies; and first-aid, or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed, by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, five or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein; B. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights, to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance; C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, and State aid for education; provided, however, that it shall not be competent for the Legislature to borrow, appropriate or use, under any pretense whatsoever, lottery net proceeds for the confinement, housing, supervision or treatment of, or education programs for, adult criminal offenders or juveniles adjudged delinquent or for the construction, staffing, support, maintenance or operation of an adult or juvenile correctional facility or institution; D. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize by law the establishment and operation, under regulation and control by the State, of gambling houses or casinos within the boundaries, as heretofore established, of the city of Atlantic City, county of Atlantic, and to license and tax such operations and equipment used in connection therewith. Any law authorizing the establishment and operation of such gambling establishments shall provide for the State revenues derived therefrom to be applied solely for the purpose of providing funding for reductions in property taxes, rental, telephone, gas, electric, and municipal utilities charges of, eligible senior citizens and disabled residents of the State, and for additional or expanded health services or benefits or transportation services or benefits to eligible senior citizens and disabled residents, in accordance with such formulae as the Legislature shall by law provide. The type and number of such casinos or gambling houses and of the gambling games which may be conducted in any such establishment shall be determined by or pursuant to the terms of the law authorizing the establishment and operation thereof; E. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, (1) the simultaneous transmission by picture of running and harness horse races conducted at racetracks located within or outside of this State, or both, to gambling houses or casinos in the city of Atlantic City and (2) the a specific kind restrictions and control of wagering at those gambling establishments on the results of those races. The States share of revenues derived therefrom shall be applied for services to benefit eligible senior citizens as shall be provided by law; and F. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, the specific kind, restrictions and control of wagering on the results of live or simulcast running and harness horse races conducted within or outside of this State, The State=s share of revenues derived therefrom shall be used for such purposes as shall be provided by law. Amended November 2,1999. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 053 001.0 005.0 14 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article V, Section 1, paragraph 14 14. (a) When a bill has finally passed both houses, the house in which final action was taken to complete its passage shall cause it to be presented to the Governor before the close of the calendar day next following the date of the session at which such final action was taken. (b) A passed bill presented to the Governor shall become law: (1) if the Governor approves and signs it within the period allowed for his consideration; or, (2) if the Governor does not return it to the house of origin, with a statement of his objections, before the expiration of the period allowed for his consideration; or (3) if, upon reconsideration of a bill objected to by the Governor, two-thirds of all the members of each house agree to pass the bill. (c) The period allowed for the Governor=s consideration of a passed bill shall be from the date of presentation until noon of the forty-fifth day next following or, if the house of origin be in temporary adjournment on that day, the first day subsequent upon which the house reconvenes; except that: (1) if on the said forty-fifth day the Legislature is in adjournment sine die, any bill then pending the Governor=s approval shall be returned, if he objects to it, at a special session held pursuant to subparagraph (d) of this paragraph; (2) any bill passed between the forty-fifth day and the tenth day preceding the expiration of the second legislative year shall be returned by the Governor, if he objected to it, not later than noon of the day next preceding the expiration of the second legislative year; (3) any bill passed within 10 days preceding the expiration of the second legislative year shall become law only if the Governor signs it prior to noon of the seventh day following such expiration, or the Governor returns it to the House of origin, with statement of his objections, and two-thirds of all members of each House agree to pass the bill prior to such expiration. (d) For the purpose of permitting the return of bills pursuant to this paragraph, a special session of the Legislature shall convene, without petition or call, for the sole purpose of acting upon bills returned by the Governor, on the forty-fifth day next following adjournment sine die of the regular session; or, if the second legislative year of a 2-year Legislature will expire before said forty fifth day, then the day next preceding the expiration of the legislative year. (e) Upon receiving from the Governor a bill returned by him with his objections, the house in which it originated shall enter the objections at large in its journal or minutes and proceed to reconsider it. If, upon reconsideration, on or after the third day following its return, or the first day of a special session convened for the sole purpose of acting on such bills, two-thirds of all the members of the house of origin agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections of the Governor, to the other house; and lf upon reconsideration, it is approved by two-thirds of all the members of the house, it shall become a law. In all such cases the votes of each house shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journal or minutes of each house. (f) The Governor, in returning with his objections a bill for reconsideration at any general or special session of the Legislature, may recommend that an amendment or amendments specified by him be made in the bill, and in such case the Legislature may amend and re-enact the bill. If a bill be so amended and re-enacted, it shall be presented again to the Governor, but shall become a law only if he shall sign it within 10 days after presentation, except that any bill amended and reenacted within 10 days preceding the expiration of the second legislative year shall become law only if the Governor signs it prior to noon of the seventh day following such expiration. No bill shall be returned by the Governor a second time. No bill need be read three times and no emergency resolution need be adopted for the reenactment of any bill at a special session of the Legislature. Amended November 8, 1983. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 054 004.0 005.0 6 NJ 1945 1992 *** Article V, Section 4, paragraph 6 6. No rule or regulation made by any department, officer, agency or authority of this state, except such as relates to the organization or internal management of the State government or a part thereof, shall take effect until it is filed either with the Secretary of State or in, such other, manner as may be provided by law. The Legislature shall provide for the prompt publication of such rules and regulations. The Legislature may review any rule or regulation to determine if the rule or regulation is consistent with the intent of the Legislature as expressed in the language of the statute which the rule or regulation is intended to implement. Upon a finding that an existing or proposed rule or regulation is not consistent with legislative intent, the Legislature shall transmit this finding in the form of a concurrent resolution to the Governor and the head of the Executive Branch agency which promulgated, or plans to promulgate, the rule or regulation. The agency shall have 30 days to amend or withdraw the existing or proposed rule or regulation. If the agency does not amend or withdraw the existing or proposed rule or regulation, the Legislature may invalidate that rule or regulation, in whole or in part, or may prohibit that proposed rule or regulation, in whole or in part, from taking effect by a vote of a majority of the authorized membership of each House in favor of a concurrent resolution providing for invalidation or prohibition, as the case may be, of the rule or regulation. This vote shall not take lace until at least 20 calendar days after the placing on the desks of the members of each House of the Legislature in open meeting of the transcript of a public hearing held by either House on the invalidation or prohibition of the rule or regulation. Amended November 3, 1992. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 055 003.0 006.0 1 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 3, paragraph 1 The Superior Court shall consist of such number of judges as may be authorized by law, each of whom shall exercise the powers of the court subject to rules of the supreme Court. The Superior Court shall at all times consist of at least two judges who shall be assigned to sit in each of the counties of this State, and who are resident therein at the time of appointment and reappointment. Amended Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 056 003.0 006.0 3 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article VI, Section 3, paragraph 3 3. The Superior Court shall be divided into an Appellate Division, a Law Division, and a Chancery Division, which shall include a family part. Each division shall have such other parts, consist of such number of judges, and hear such causes, as may be provided by rules of the Supreme Court. At least two judges of the Superior court shall at all times be assigned to sit in each of the counties of the State, who at the time of their appointment and reappointment were residents of that county provided, however, that the number of judges required to reside in the county wherein they sit shall be at least equal in number to the number of judges of the county court sitting in each of the counties at the adoption of this amendment. Amended Nov. 8, 1983 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 057 006.0 006.0 1 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 1 The Governor shall nominate and appoint, with the advice and consent of the senate, the Chief Justice and associate justices of the Supreme court, the Judges of the Superior Court, and the judges of the inferior courts with jurisdiction extending to more than one municipality; except that upon the abolition of the juvenile and domestic relations courts or family court and county district courts as provided by law, the judges of those former courts shall become the Judges of the Superior Court without nomination by the Governor or confirmation by the Senate. No nomination to such an office shall be sent to the Senate for confirmation until after 7 days= public notice by the Governor. Amended November 8, 1983. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 058 006.0 006.0 2 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 2 2. The justices of the supreme court, and the judges of the superior court shall each prior to his appointment have been admitted the practice of law in this State for at least 10 years. Amended Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 059 006.0 006.0 3 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 3 3. The Justices of the Supreme Court and the Judges of the Superior Court shall hold their offices for initial terms of 7 years and upon reappointment shall hold their offices during good behavior; provided however, that, upon the abolition of the juvenile and domestic relations courts or family court and county district courts as provided by law, the judges in office in those former courts who have acquired tenure and the Judges of the Superior Court who have acquired tenure as a judge in those former courts prior to appointment to the Superior Court, shall have tenure as Judges of the Superior Court. Judges of the juvenile and domestic relations courts or family court and county district courts who have not acquired tenure as a judge of those former courts shall hold their offices for the period of their respective terms which remain unexpired and shall acquire tenure upon reappointment to the Superior Court. Such justices and judges shall be retired upon attaining the age of 70 years. Provisions for the pensioning of the Justices of the Supreme Court and the Judges of the Superior Court shall be made by law. Amended Nov. 8, 1983. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 060 006.0 006.0 4 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 4 4. The justices of the supreme court and the judges of the superior court shall be subject to impeachment, and any judicial officer impeached shall not exercise his office until acquitted. The judges of the superior court shall also be subject to removal from office by the Supreme Court for such causes and in such manner as shall be provided by law. Amended November 7,1978. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 061 006.0 006.0 5 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 5 5. Whenever the Supreme Court shall certify to the Governor that it appears that any justice of the supreme court or judge of the superior court is so incapacitated as substantially to prevent him from performing his judicial duties, the Governor shall appoint a commission of three persons to inquire into the circumstances; and, on their recommendation, the Governor may retire the justice or judge from office, on pension as may be provided by law. Amended November7, 1978. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 062 006.0 006.0 7 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 6, paragraph 7 7. The justices of the supreme court1 and the judges of the superior court shall hold no other office or position, of profit, under this State or the United States. Any such justice or judge who shall become a candidate for an elective public office shall thereby forfeit his judicial office. Amended November 7, 1978. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 063 008.0 006.0 1 NJ 1945 1992 *** Article VI, Section 8, paragraph 1 1. a. On or before July 1, 1997: (1)The State shall be required to pay for certain judicial and probation costs; (2) All judicial employees and probation employees shall be employees of the State and (3) Any judicial fees and probation fees collected shall be paid to the State Treasury. b. As used in this section: (1) Judicial facility costs means any costs borne by the counties prior to July 1, 1998 with regard to the operation and maintenance of facilities used by the courts or judicial employees; (2) Probation facility costs means any costs borne by the counties prior to July 1, 1993 with regard to the operation and maintenance of facilities used by probation employees; (3) Judicial costs means the costs incurred by the county for funding the judicial system, including but not limited to the following costs: salaries, health benefits and pension payments of all judicial employees, juror fees and library material costs, except that judicial costs shall not include costs incurred by employees of the surrogates office or judicial facility costs; (4) Judicial employees means any person employed by the county prior to July 1, 1993 to perform judicial functions, including but not limited to employees working for the courts and the law library and employees of the sheriff's office who act as court aides, except that employees of he surrogate's office and probation employees shall not be construed to be judicial employees; (5) Judicial fees means any fees or fines collected by the judiciary but shall not include sheriff's or surrogate's fees or municipal court fees or fines; (6) Judicial functions means any duties and responsibilities performed in providing any services and. direct support necessary for the effective operation of the judicial system; (7) Probation costs means any costs incurred by the county for the operation of the county probation department, including but not limited to the costs of salaries, health benefits, and pension payments of probation employees but shall not include probation facility coats; (8) Probation employees means any person employed by a county probation department prior to July 1,1993; (9) Probation fees means any fees or fines collected in connection with the probation of any persons. New. Adopted November 3, 1992. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 064 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1999 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 Any citizen and resident of this State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service, in time of war or other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, annua1ly to a deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on real and personal property, or both, Including taxes attributable to a residential unit held by a stockholder in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation, in the sum of $50 or if the amount of any such tax bill shall be less than $50, to a cancellation thereof, except that the deduction or cancellation shall be $100.00 in tax year 2000, $150 in tax year 2001, $200 in tax year 2002 and $250 in each tax year thereafter. The deduction or cancellation shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further deduction from taxation as from, time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his or her death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any such service shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident Of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deduction as from time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and who died or shall die while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, or who has been or may hereafter be honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstance from active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deductions as from time to time may be provided bylaw. Amended November 2, 1999. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 065 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1988 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property, and from tax attributable to a residential unit in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation, of a citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years, or any citizen and resident of this State less than 65 years of age who is permanently and totally disabled according to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, residing in a dwelling or house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property or residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is assessed as a real property but which is situated on land owned by another or others, or residing as tenant-shareholder in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation, but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 with respect to any year prior to 1981, $200.00 per year in 1981, $225.00 per year in 1982, an $250.00 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year with respect to any year prior to 1981, $8,000.00 per year in 1981, $9,000.00 per year in 1982, and $10,000.00 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter, exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: a. The Federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto; b. Any other program of the federal government or pursuant to any other federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, a. hereof including but not limited to the Federal Railroad Retirement Act and federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or c. Pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivision or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under a. hereof; provided, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under b. or c. here shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under a. hereof. The surviving spouse of a deceased citizen and resident of the State who during his or her life received a deduction pursuant to this paragraph shall be entitled, so long as he or she shall remain unmarried and a resident of the same dwelling house situated on the same land with respect to which said deduction was granted, to the same deduction, upon the same conditions, with respect to the same real property or with respect to the same dwelling house which is situated on land owned by another or others, or with respect to the same cooperative or mutual housing corporation, notwithstanding that said surviving spouse is under the age of 65 and is not permanently and totally disabled, provided that said surviving spouse is 55 years of age or older. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption, except a deduction granted under authority of paragraph 3 of this section, to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled, but said citizen and resident may receive in addition any homestead rebate or credit provided by law. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to one-half of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deductions pursuant to this paragraph. Amended Nov. 8, 1988. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 066 001.0 008.0 5 NJ 1945 1976 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 5 5. The Legislature may adopt a homestead statute which entitles homeowners residential tenants and net lease residential tenants to a rebate or a credit of a sum of money related to property taxes paid by or allocable to them at such rates and subject to such limits as may be provided by law. Such rebates or credits may include differential rate or credit to citizens and residents who are of the age of 65 or more years, or less than 65 years of age who are permanently and totally disabled according to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, or are 55 years of age or more and the surviving spouse of a deceased citizen or resident of this State who during his lifetime received, or who, upon the adoption of this amendment and the enactment of implementing legislation, would have been entitled to receive a rebate or credit related to property taxes. Amended November 2,1976. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 067 001.0 008.0 6 NJ 1945 1976 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 6 6. The Legislature may enact general laws under which municipalities may adopt ordinances granting exemptions or abatements from taxation on buildings and structures in areas declared in need of rehabilitation in accordance with statutory criteria, within such municipalities and to the land comprising the premises upon which such buildings or structures are erected and which is. necessary for the fair enjoyment thereof. Such exemptions shall be for limited periods of time as specified by law, but not in excess of 5 years. New. Adopted November 4,1975. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 068 001.0 008.0 7 NJ 1945 1984 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 7 7. No tax shall be levied on personal incomes of individuals, estates and trusts of this State unless the entire net receipts therefrom shall be received into the treasury, placed in a perpetual fund and be annually appropriated, pursuant to formulas established from time to time by the Legislature, to the several counties, municipalities and school districts of this State exclusively for the purpose of reducing or offsetting property taxes. In no event, however, shall a tax so levied on personal incomes be levied on payments received under the federal Social Security Act, the federal Railroad Retirement Act, or any federal law which substantially reenacts the provisions of either of those laws. Amended November 6, 1984. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 068 002.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 3 3. The Legislature shall not, in any manner, create in any fiscal year a debt or debts, liability or liabilities of the State, which together with any previous debts or liabilities shall exceed at any time one per centum of the total amount appropriated by the general appropriation law for that fiscal year, unless the same shall be authorized by a law for some single object or work distinctly specified therein. Regardless of any limitation relating to taxation in this constitution, such law shall provide the ways and means exclusive of loans, to pay the interest of such debt or liability as it falls due, and also to pay and discharge the principle thereof within thirty-five years form the time it is contracted; and the law shall not be repealed until such debt or liability and the interest thereon are fully paid and discharged. Except as hereinafter provided, no such law shall take effect until it shall have been submitted to the people at a general election and approved by a majority of the legally qualified voters of the State voting thereon. No voter approval shall be required for any such law authorizing the creation of a debt or debts in a specified amount or an amount to be determined in accordance with such law for the refinancing of all or a portion of any outstanding debts or liabilities of the State heretofore or hereafter created, so long as such law shall require that the refinancing provide a debt service savings determined in a manner to be provided in such a law and that the proceed of such debt or debts and any investment income therefrom shall be applied to the payment of the principal of, any redemption premium on, and interest due and to become due on such debts or liabilities being refinanced on or prior to the redemption date or maturity date thereof, together with the costs associated with such refinancing. All money to be raised by the authority of such law shall be applied only to the specific object stated therein, and to the payment of the debt thereby created. This paragraph shall not be construed to refer to any money that has been or may be deposited with this State by the government of the United States. Nor shall anything in this paragraph contained apply to the creation of any debts or liabilities for purposes of war, or to repel invasion, or to suppress insurrection tor to meet any emergency caused by disaster or act of God. Amended Nov. 8, 1938 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 069 002.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 4 4. There shall be credited to a special account in the General Fund for the State fiscal year in which the amendment to this paragraph is approved by the voters an amount equivalent to the revenue derived from $0.025 per gallon from the tax imposed on the sale of motor fuels pursuant to chapter 39 of Title 54 of the Revised Statutes, and an amount equivalent to the revenue derived from $0.07 per gallon from the tax shall be credited to the account in each of the first two State fiscal years commencing after the approval of the amendment to this paragraph by the voters, and an amount equivalent to the revenue derived from $0.09 per gallon from the tax shall be credited to the account in the fourth State fiscal year commencing after the approval of the amendment to this paragraph by the voters and annually thereafter; provided, however, the dedication and use of such revenues as provided in this paragraph shall be subject and subordinate to (a) all appropriations of revenues from such taxes made by laws enacted on or before December 6, 1984 in accordance with Article VIII, Section II paragraph 3 of the State Constitution in order to provide the ways and means to pay the principal and interest on bonds of the State presently outstanding or authorized to be issued under such laws or (b) any other use of those revenues enacted into law on or before December 6, 1984. These amounts shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for the purposes of paying or financing the cost of planning, acquisition, engineering, construction, reconstruction, repair and rehabilitation of the transportation system in this State and it shall not be competent for the Legislature to borrow, appropriate or us these amounts or any part thereof for any other purpose, under any pretense whatever. Amended Nov. 7, 1995 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 070 00.02 00.08 5 NJ 1945 1995 *** Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 5 5. (a) With respect to any provision of a law enacted on and after January 17, 1996, and with respect to any rule or regulation issued pursuant to a law originally adopted after July 1, 1996, and except as otherwise provided herein, any provision of such law, or of such rule or regulation issued pursuant to a law, which is determined in accordance with this paragraph to be an unfunded mandate upon boards of education, counties, or municipalities because it does not authorize resources, other than the property tax, to offset the additional direct expenditures required for the implementation of the law or rule or regulation, shall, upon such determination cease to be mandatory in its effect and expire. A law or rule or regulation issued pursuant to a law that is determined to be an unfunded mandate shall not be considered to establish a standard of care for the purpose of civil liability. (b) The Legislature shall create by law a Council on Local Mandates. The Council shall resolve any dispute regarding whether a law or rule or regulation issued pursuant to a law constitutes and unfunded mandate. The Council shall consist of nine public members appointed as follows: four members to be appointed by the Governor; one member to be appointed by the President of the Senate; one member to be appointed by the Speaker of the General Assembly; one member to be appointed by the minority leader of the Senate; one member to be appointed by the minority leader of the General Assembly; and one member to be appointed by the Chief Justice of the New Jersey Supreme Court. Of the members appointed by the Governor, at least two shall be appointed from a list of six willing nominees submitted by the chairman of the political party whose candidate for Governor received the second largest number of votes at the recent gubernatorial general election. The decisions of the Council shall be political and not judicial determinations. (c) Notwithstanding anything in this paragraph to the contrary, the following categories of laws or rules or regulations issued pursuant to a law, shall not be considered unfunded mandates: (1) those which are required to comply with federal laws or rules or to meet eligibility standards for federal entitlements; (2) those which are imposed on both government and non-government entities in the same or substantially similar circumstances; (3) those which repeal, revise or ease an existing requirement or mandate or which reapportion the costs of activities between boards of education, counties, and municipalities; (4) those which stem from failure to comply with previously enacted laws or rules or regulations issued pursuant to a law; (5) those which implement the provisions of this Constitution; and (6) laws which are enacted after a public hearing, held after public notice that unfunded mandates will be considered, for which a fiscal analysis is available at the time of the public hearing and which, in addition to complying with all other constitutional requirements with regard to the enactment of laws, are passed by 3/4 affirmative vote of the members of each House of the Legislature. New. Adopted Nov. 7, 1995. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 071 002.0 008.0 6 NJ 1945 1996 *** Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 6 6. There shall be credited annually to a special account in the General Fund an amount equivalent to 4% of the revenue annually derived from the tax imposed pursuant to the Corporation Business Tax Act (1945), P.L. 1945, c. 162 (C. 54:10a-1 et seq.) as amended and supplemented, or any other State law of similar effect. The amount annually credited pursuant to this paragraph shall be dedicated and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature only for the following purposes: paying or financing costs incurred by the State for the remediation of discharges of hazardous substances, which costs may include performing necessary operation and maintenance activities relating to remedial actions and costs incurred for providing alternative sources of public or private water supplies, when a water supply has been, or is suspected of being, contaminated by a hazardous substance discharge; providing funding, including the provision of loans or grants, for the upgrade, replacement, or closure of underground storage tanks that store or were used to store hazardous substances, and for the costs of remediating any discharge therefrom; and for paying or financing the cost of water quality point and nonpoint source pollution monitoring, watershed based water resource planning and management, and nonpoint source pollution prevention projects. It shall not be competent for the Legislature, under any pretense whatever, to borrow, appropriate, or use the amount credited to the special account pursuant to this paragraph, or any portion thereof, for any purpose or in any manner other than as enumerated in this paragraph. It shall not be competent for the Legislature, under any pretense whatever, to borrow appropriate, or use the amount credited to the special account pursuant to this paragraph, or any portion thereof, for the payment of the principal or interest on any general obligation bond that was approved by the voters prior to this paragraph becoming part of this constitution. (a) A minimum of one-sixth of the amount annually credited pursuant to this paragraph, or a minimum of an equal to $5,000,000.00 per year, whichever is less, shall be dedicated, and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for paying or financing the cost of water quality point and nonpoint source pollution monitoring, watershed based water resource planning and management, and nonpoint source pollution projects. (b) A minimum of one-third of the amount annually credited pursuant to this paragraph shall be dedicated, and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for providing funding, including the provision of loans or grants, for the upgrade, replacement, or closure of underground storage tanks that store or were used to store hazardous substances, and for the costs of remediating any discharge therefrom, except that the dedication of moneys pursuant to this subparagraph (b) shall expire on December 8, 2008 and may thereafter be dedicated and appropriated from time to time by the Legislature for any of the purposes authorized pursuant to subparagraphs (a), (b), or (c) of this paragraph. All moneys derived from repayments of any loan issued from the amount dedicated pursuant to this subparagraph (b) shall be dedicated, and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for the purposes authorized pursuant to ths subparagraph (b). The dedication of moneys derived from loan repayments shall not expire. No moneys appropriated pursuant to this subparagraph (b) may be expended on any direct or indirect administrative costs of the State or any of its departments, agencies, or authorities. No moneys appropriated pursuant to this subparagraph (b) may be expended on any upgrade, replacement, or closure of any underground storage tank, or for the remediation of any discharge therefrom, for any underground storage tank owned by the State or any of its departments, agencies, or authorities. (c) A minimum of one-half of the amount annually credited pursuant to this paragraph shall be dedicated, and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for paying or financing costs incurred by the State for the remediation of discharges of hazardous substances, which costs may include performing necessary operation and maintenance activities relating to remedial actions and costs incurred for providing alternative sources of public or private water supplies, when a water supply has been, or is suspected of being, contaminated by a hazardous substance discharge. No moneys appropriated pursuant to this subparagraph (c) may be expended for any indirect administrative costs of the State, its departments, agencies or authorities. No more than nine percent of the moneys annually credited pursuant to this paragraph, which shall be taken from the amount dedicated pursuant to this subparagraph (c) may be expended for any direct program administrative costs of the State, its departments, agencies, or authorities. If the Legislature dedicates for the purposes of this subparagraph (c) any moneys above the minimum that is required to be dedicated pursuant to this subparagraph (c), those moneys may not be expended for any direct or indirect administrative costs of the State, its departments, agencies, or authorities. New. Adopted Nov. 5, 1996. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 072 002.0 008.0 7 NJ 1945 Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 7 (a) Commencing on July 1, 1999, there shall be credited in each State fiscal year, until June 30, 2009, to a special account in the General Fund $98,000,000 from the State revenue annually collected from the State tax imposed under the Sales and Use Tax Act, P.L. 1966, c. 30 (C.54:32B-1et. seq.), as amended and supplemented, or from any other State law of similar effect. The dedication and use of those moneys credited pursuant to this subparagraph shall be subject and subordinate to (1) all appropriations of revenues from taxes made by laws enacted prior to the effective date of this paragraph in accordance with Article VIII, Section II paragraph 3 of the State Constitution in order to provide the ways and means to pay the principal and interest on bonds of the State presently outstanding or authorized to be issued under those laws or (2) any other use of those revenues enacted into law prior to the effective date of this paragraph. The amount credited each State fiscal year pursuant to this subparagraph shall be dedicated and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature only to: provide funding, including loans or grants, for the acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, for the preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use and production, and for historic preservation; and satisfy any payments relating to bonds, notes, or other obligations, including refunding bonds, issued by an authority or similar entity established by law to provide funding, including loans and grants, for the acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, for the preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use and production, and for historic preservation. (b)Commencing July 1, 2009 and ending June 30, 2029, there shall be credited in each State fiscal year to a special account in the General Fund from the State revenue annually collected from the State tax imposed under the Sales and Use Tax Act, P.L. 1966, c. 30 (C.54:32B-1 et. seq.) as amended and supplemented, or from any other State law of similar effect, the lesser of $98,000,000 or the amount necessary in each State fiscal year to satisfy any payments relating to bonds, notes, or other obligations, including refunding bonds, issued by an authority or similar entity established by law to provide funding, including loans and grants, for the acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, for the preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use and production, and for historic preservation. The dedication and use of those moneys credited pursuant to this subparagraph shall be subject and subordinate to (1) all appropriations of revenues from taxes made by laws enacted prior to the effective date of this paragraph in accordance with Article VII Section II, paragraph 3 of the State Constitution in order to provide the ways and means to pay the principal and interest on bonds of the State presently outstanding or authorized to be issued under those laws, or (2) any other use of those revenues enacted into law prior to the effective date of this paragraph. The amount credited each State fiscal year pursuant to this subparagraph shall be dedicated and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature only to satisfy any payments relating to bonds, notes, or other obligations, including refunding bonds, issued by an authority or similar entity established by law to provide funding, including loans and grants, for the acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, for the preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use and production, and for historic preservation. (c) Moneys credited to the special account pursuant to this paragraph shall not be used for (1) payments related to bonds, notes, or other obligation which in aggregate principal amount exceed $1,000,000,000 plus costs of issuance; or (2) payments relating to bonds, notes, or other obligations, except refunding bonds, issued after Jun 30, 2009. (d) The authority or similar entity established by law as described in this paragraph shall consist of members appointed by the Governor and members appointed by the Legislature. (e) All moneys derived from repayments of any loan issued from the amounts dedicated pursuant to subparagraph (a) of this paragraph, and all income derived from the investment of moneys in the special account established pursuant to this paragraph, shall be credited to that special account, and shall be dedicated and shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature only for the purpose of providing funding, including loans and grants, for the acquisition and development of lands for recreation and conservation purposes, for the preservation of farmland for agricultural or horticultural use and production, and for historic preservation. Notwithstanding any provision of this paragraph to the contrary, the dedication of moneys derived from loan repayments and investments shall not expire. (f) It shall not be competent for the Legislature, under any pretense whatever, to borrow, appropriate, or use the amounts credited to the special account established pursuant to this paragraph, or any portion thereof, for any purpose or in any manner other than as enumerated in this paragraph. New. Adopted Nov. 3, 1998. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 073 004.0 011.0 1 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article XI, Section 4, paragraph 1 When this amendment to the Constitution providing for the abolition of the County Courts takes effect: (a) All the jurisdiction, functions, powers and duties of the County Court of each county, the judicial officers, clerks, employees thereof, and the causes pending therein, and their files, shall be transferred to the Superior Court. Until otherwise provided by law, the judicial officers, surrogates and clerks of the County Courts and the employees of said officers, clerks, surrogates and courts, shall continue in the exercise of their duties as if this amendment had not been adopted. For the purposes of this paragraph, a cause shall be deemed to be pending notwithstanding that an adjudication has been entered therein, provided the time limited for appeal has not expired or the adjudication reserves any party the right to apply for further relief. (b) All the functions, powers and duties conferred by the statute, rules or otherwise, upon the judges of the County Courts, shall be transferred to and may be exercised by judges of the Superior Court until otherwise provided by law or rules of the Supreme Court. (c) Until otherwise provided by law, all county clerks shall become clerks of the Law Division of the superior Court and all surrogates shall become clerks of he Chancery Division (Probate Part) of the Superior Court for their respective counties and shall perform such duties and maintain such files and records on behalf of the Clerk of the Superior Court as may be required by law and rule of court; and all fees payable to the county clerks and surrogates prior to the effective date of this amendment shall continue to be so payable and be received for the use of their respective counties until otherwise provided by law. (d) The judges of the County Courts in office on the effective date of this amendment shall be judges of the Superior Court. All such judges who had acquired tenure on a County Court shall hold office as a judge of the Superior Court during good behavior, with all rights, and subject to all the provisions of the Constitution affecting a judge of the Superior Court, as though they were initially appointed to the Superior Court. All other judges of the county Courts shall hold office as judges of the Superior Court, each for the period his term which remains unexpired on the effective date of this amendment; and if reappointed, he shall hold office during good behavior, with all the rights and subject to all the provisions of the Constitution affecting a judge of the Superior Court as though he were initially appointed to the Superior Court. New. Adopted Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 074 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1972 *** Article IV, Section 7, Paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, 5 or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein. B. It shall be lawful for the legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance and C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, state aid for education. Amended November 7, 1972. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 075 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1971 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: a. the Federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto; b. any other program of the Federal Government or pursuant to any other Federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, a. hereof including but not limited to the Federal Railroad Retirement Act and Federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or c. pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivisions, or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under a. hereof; provided, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under b. or c. hereof shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under a. hereof. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to 2 of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deductions pursuant to this paragraph. Amended November 2, 1971. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 076 001.0 008.0 7 1945 1976 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 7 7. No tax shall be levied on personal incomes of individuals, estates and trusts of this State unless the entire net receipts therefrom shall be received into the treasury, placed in a perpetual fund and be annually appropriated, pursuant to formulas established from time to time by the Legislature, to the several counties, municipalities and school districts of this State exclusively for the purpose of reducing or offsetting property taxes. New. Adopted November 2, 1976. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 077 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1975 *** Article 8, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years, or any citizen and resident of this State less than 65 years of age who is permanently and totally disabled according to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: a. The Federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto; b. Any other program of the Federal Government or pursuant to any other Federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, a. hereof including but not limited to the Federal Railroad Retirement Act and Federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or c. Pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivisions, or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under a. hereof; provided, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under b. or c. hereof shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under a. hereof. The surviving spouse of a deceased citizen and resident of this State who during his or her life received a real property tax deduction pursuant to this paragraph shall be entitled, so long as he or she shall remain unmarried and a resident in the same dwelling house with respect to which said deduction was granted, to the same deduction, upon the same conditions, with respect to the same real property, notwithstanding that said surviving spouse is under the age of 65 and is not permanently and totally disabled, provided that said surviving spouse is 55 years of age or older. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled, but said citizen and resident may receive in addition any homestead rebate or credit provided by law. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to one-half of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deductions pursuant to this paragraph. Amended November 4, 1975 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 078 006.0 006.0 1 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 6, Paragraph 1 1. The Governor shall nominate and appoint, with the advice and consent of the Senate, the Chief Justice and associate justices of the supreme court, the judges of the superior court, and the judges of the inferior courts with jurisdiction extending to more than one municipality. No nomination to such an office shall be sent to the Senate for confirmation until after 7 days= public notice by the Governor. Amended November 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 079 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1976 *** Article IV, Section 7, paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, 5 or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein. B. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon,, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance and C.. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, state aid for education. D. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize by law the establishment and operation, under regulation and control by the State, of gambling houses or casinos within the boundaries, as heretofore established, of the city of Atlantic City, county of Atlantic, and to license and tax such operations and equipment used in connection therewith. Any law authorizing the establishment and operation of such gambling establishments shall provide for the State revenues derived therefrom to be applied solely for the purpose of providing reductions in property taxes, rentals, telephone, gas, electric, and municipal utilities charges of eligible senior citizens and disabled residents of the State, in accordance with such formulae as the Legislature shall by law provide. The type and number of such casinos or gambling houses and of the gambling games which may be conducted in any such establishment shall be determined by or pursuant to the terms of the law authorizing the establishment and operation thereof. Amended November 2, 1976. *** MEND*** *** MSTART 080 003.0 006.0 3 NJ 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 3, paragraph 3 3. The Superior Court shall be divided into an Appellate Division, a Law Division, and a Chancery Division. Each division shall have such part, consist of such number of judges, and hear such causes, as may be provided by rules of the Supreme Court. At least two judges of the Superior Court shall at all times be assigned to sit in each of the counties of the State, who at the time of their appointment and reappointment were residents of that county provided, however, that the number of judges required to reside in the county wherein they sit shall be at least equal in number to the number of judges of the county court sitting in each of the counties at the adoption of this amendment. Amended Nov. 7, 1978. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 701 004.0 006.0 1 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 4 repealed Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 702 004.0 006.0 2 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 4 repealed Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 703 004.0 006.0 3 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 4 repealed Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 704 004.0 006.0 4 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 4 repealed Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 705 004.0 006.0 5 1945 1978 *** Article VI, Section 4 repealed Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 081 005.0 004.0 1 1945 1978 *** Article IV, Section 5, paragraph 1 1. Appeals may be taken to the Supreme Court: (a) In causes determined by the Appellate Division of the Superior Court involving a question arising under the Constitution of the United States or this State; (b) In causes where there is a dissent in the Appellate Division of the Superior Court; (c) In capital cases; (d) On certification by the Supreme Court to the Superior Court and, where provided by rules of the Supreme Court, to the inferior courts; and (e) In such causes as may be provided by law. Amended Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 082 005.0 004.0 2 1945 1978 *** Article IV, Section 5, paragraph 2 2. Appeals may be taken to the Appellate Division of the Superior Court from the law and chancery divisions of the Superior Court and in such other causes as may be provided by law. Amended Nov. 7, 1978 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 083 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1980 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years, or any citizen and resident of this State less than 65 years of age who is permanently and totally disabled according to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 with respect to any year prior to 1981, $200.00 per year in 1981, $225.00 per year in 1982, and $250.00 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year with respect to any year prior to 1981, $8000.00 per year in 1981, $9,000.00 per year in 1982, and $10,000 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter, exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: a. The Federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto; b. Any other program of the Federal Government or pursuant to any other Federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, a. hereof including but not limited to the Federal Railroad Retirement Act of Federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or c. Pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivision, or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under a. hereof; provided, however, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under b. or c. hereof shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under a. hereof. The surviving spouse of a deceased citizen and resident of this State who during his or her life received a real property tax deduction pursuant to this paragraph shall be entitled, so long as he or she shall remain unmarried and a resident in the same dwelling house with respect to which said deduction was granted, to the same deduction, upon the same conditions, with respect to the same real property, notwithstanding that said surviving spouse is under the age of 65 and is not permanently and totally disabled, provided that said surviving spouse is 55 years of age or older. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled, but said citizen and resident may receive in addition any homestead rebate or credit provided by law. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to one-half of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deduction pursuant to this paragraph. Amended November 4, 1980. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 084 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1981 *** Article IV, Section 7, Paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization; A. It shall be lawful for bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, five or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein. B. It shall he lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to he devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, in any municipality, in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall he prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from time to time, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance and C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, State aid for education. D. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize by law the establishment and operation, under regulation and control by the State, of gambling houses or casinos within the boundaries, as heretofore established, of the city of Atlantic City, county of Atlantic, and to license and tax such operations and equipment used in connection therewith. Any law authorizing the establishment arid operation of such gambling establishments shall provide for the State revenues derived therefrom to be applied solely for the purpose of providing funding for reductions in property taxes, rental, telephone, gas, electric, and municipal utilities charges of, eligible senior citizens and disabled residents of the State, and for additional or expanded health services or benefits or transportation services or benefits to eligible senior citizens and disabled residents, in accordance with such formulae as the Legislature shall by law provide. The type and number of such casinos or gambling houses and of the gambling games which may be conducted in any such establishment shall be determined by or pursuant to the terms of the law authorizing the establishment and operation thereof. Amended November 3, 1981. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 085 001.0 005.0 14 NJ 1945 1981 *** Article V, Section 1, paragraph 14 14. (a) When a bill has finally passed both houses, the house in which final action was taken to complete its passage shall cause it to be presented to the Governor before the close of the calendar day next following the date of the session at which such final action was taken. (b) A passed bill presented to the Governor shall become law: (1) if the Governor approves and signs it within the period allowed for his consideration; or, (2) if the Governor does not return it to the house of origin, with a statement of his objections, before the expiration of the period allowed for his consideration; or, (3) if, upon reconsideration of a bill objected to by the Governor, two-thirds of all the members of each house agree to pass the bill. (c) The period allowed for the Governor's consideration of a passed bill shall be from the date of presentation until noon of the forty-fifth day next following or, if the house of origin be in temporary adjournment on that day, the first day subsequent upon which the house reconvenes; except that: (1) if on the said forty-fifth day the Legislature is in adjournment sine die, any bill then pending the Governor's approval shall be returned, if he objects to it, at a special session held pursuant to subparagraph (d) of this paragraph; (2) any bill passed between the forty-fifth day and the tenth day preceding the expiration of the second legislative year shall be returned by the Governor, if he objects to it, not later than noon of the day next preceding the expiration of the second legislative year; (3) any bill passed within 10 days preceding the expiration of the second legislative year shall become law only if the Governor signs it prior to such expiration, or the Governor returns it to the house of origin, with a statement of his objections, and two-thirds of all members of each House agree to pass the bill prior to such expiration. (d) For the purpose of permitting the return of bills pursuant to this paragraph, a special session of the Legislature shall convene, without petition or call, for the sole purpose of acting upon bills returned by the Governor, on the forty-fifth day next following adjournment sine die of the regular session; or, if the second legislative year of a 2-year Legislature will expire before said forty-fifth day, then the day next preceding the expiration of the legislative year. (e) Upon receiving from the Governor a bill returned by him with his objections, the house in which it originated shall enter the objections at large in its journal and proceed to reconsider it. If, upon reconsideration, on or after the third day following its return, or the first day of a special session convened for the sole purpose of acting on such bills, two-thirds of all the members of the house of origin agree to pass the bill, it shall be sent, together with the objections of the Governor, to the other house; and if, upon reconsideration, it is approved by two-thirds of all the members of the house, it shall become a law. In all such cases the votes of each house shall be determined by yeas and nays, and the names of the persons voting for and against the bill shall be entered on the journals of the respective houses. (f) The Governor, in returning with his objections a bill for reconsideration at any general or special session of the Legislature, may recommend that an amendment or amendments specified by him be made in the bill, and in such case the Legislature may amend and re-enact the bill. If a bill be so amended arid re-enacted, it shall be presented again to the Governor, but shall become a law only if he shall sign it within 10 days after presentation; and no bill shall be returned by the Governor a second time. Amended November 3, 1981. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 086 005.0 008.0 1 NJ 1945 1981 *** Article VIII, Section 5, paragraph 1 1. No lands that were formerly tidal flowed, but which have not been tidal flowed at any time for a period of 40 years, shall be deemed riparian lands, or lands subject to a riparian claim, and the passage of that period shall be a good and sufficient bar to any such claim, unless during that period the State has specifically defined and asserted such a claim pursuant to law. This section shall apply to lands which have not been tidal flowed at any time during the 40 years immediately preceding adoption of this amendment with respect to any claim not specifically defined and asserted by the State within 1 year of the adoption of this amendment. Amended November 3, 1981. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 087 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1983 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Any citizen and resident of this State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service, in time of war or other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall he entitled annually to a deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on real and personal property, or both, in the sum of $50.00 or if the amount of any such tax bill shall be less than $50.00, to a cancellation thereof, which deduction or cancellation shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans= Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further deduction from taxation as from time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his or her death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any such service shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deduction as from time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States and who died or shall die while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States, or who has been or may hereafter be honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deductions as from time to time may be provided by law. Amended November 8, 1983. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 088 001.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1984 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 4 4. The Legislature may, from time to time, enact laws granting an annual deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on the real property of any citizen and resident of this State of the age of 65 or more years, or any citizen and resident of this State less than 65 years of age who is permanently and totally disabled according to the provisions of the Federal Social Security Act, residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is a constituent part of such real property or residing in a dwelling house owned by him which is assessed as real property but which is situated on land owned by another or others, but no such deduction shall be in excess of $160.00 with respect to any year prior to 1981, $200.00 per year in 1981, $225.00 per year in 1982, and $250.00 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter and such deduction shall be restricted to owners having an income not in excess of $5,000.00 per year with respect to any year prior to 1981, $8,000.00 per year in 1981, $9,000.00 per year in 1982, and $10,000.00 per year in 1983 and any year thereafter, exclusive of benefits under any one of the following: a. The Federal Social Security Act and all amendments and supplements thereto; b. Any other program of the federal government or pursuant to any other federal law which provides benefits in whole or in part in lieu of benefits referred to in, or for persons excluded from coverage under, a. hereof including but not limited to the Federal Railroad Retirement Act and federal pension, disability and retirement programs; or c. Pension, disability or retirement programs of any state or its political subdivisions, or agencies thereof, for persons not covered under a. hereof; provided, however, that the total amount of benefits to be allowed exclusion by any owner under b. or c. hereof shall not be in excess of the maximum amount of benefits payable to, and allowable for exclusion by, an owner in similar circumstances under a, hereof. The surviving spouse of a deceased citizen and resident of this State who during his or her life received a real property tax deduction pursuant to this paragraph shall be entitled, so long as he or she shall remain unmarried and a resident in the same dwelling house situated on the same land with respect to which said deduction with respect to the same real property or with respect to the same dwelling house which is situated on land owned by another or others, notwithstanding that said surviving spouse is under the age of 65 and is not permanently and totally disabled, provided that said surviving spouse is 55 years of age or older. Any such deduction when so granted by law shall be granted so that it will not be in addition to any other deduction or exemption, except a deduction granted under authority of paragraph 3 of this section, to which the said citizen and resident may be entitled, but said citizen and resident may receive in addition any homestead rebate or credit provided by law. The State shall annually reimburse each taxing district in an amount equal to one-half of the tax loss to the district resulting from the allowance of tax deductions pursuant to this paragraph. Amended November 6, 1984. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 089 002.0 008.0 4 NJ 1945 1984 *** Article VIII, Section 2, paragraph 4 4. There shall be credited annually to a special account in the General Fund an amount equivalent to the revenue derived from $0.025 per gallon from the tax imposed on the sale of motor fuels pursuant to chapter 39 of Title 54 of the Revised Statutes provided, however, the dedication and use of such revenues as provided in this paragraph shall be subject and subordinate to (a) all appropriations of revenues from such taxes made by laws previously enacted in accordance with Article VIII, Section II, paragraph 3 of the State Constitution in order to provide the ways and means to pay the principal and interest on bonds of the State presently outstanding or authorized to be issued under such laws or (b) any other use of those revenues previously enacted into law. This amount shall be appropriated from time to time by the Legislature, only for the purposes of paying or financing the cost of planning, acquisition, engineering, construction, reconstruction, repair and rehabilitation of the transportation system in this State and it shall not be competent for the Legislature to borrow, appropriate or use this amount or any part thereof for any other purpose, under any pretense whatever. The provisions of this paragraph shall be of no effect after 17 years from the date on which this amendment becomes part of the Constitution. New. Adopted November 6, 1984. *** MEND *** *** MSTART 090 002.0 002.0 0 NJ 1945 1988 *** Article II, Section 2. All questions submitted to the people of the entire State shall be voted upon at the general election next occurring at least 70 days following the final action of the Governor or the Legislature, as appropriate, necessary to submit the questions. The text of any such question shall be published at least once in one or more newspapers of each county, if any newspapers be published therein, at least 60 days before the election at which it is to be submitted to the people, and the results of the vote upon a question shall be void unless the text thereof shall have been so published. Amended November 8, 1988. ** * MEND *** *** MSTART 091 001.0 008.0 3 NJ 1945 1988 *** Article VIII, Section 1, paragraph 3 3. Any citizen and resident of this State now or hereafter honorably discharged or released under honorable circumstances from active service, in time of war or other emergency as, from time to time, defined by the Legislature, in any branch of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled, annually to a deduction from the amount of any tax bill for taxes on real and personal property, or both, including taxes attributable to a residential unit held by a stockholder in a cooperative or mutual housing corporation, in the sum of $50.00 or if the amount of any such tax bill shall be less than $50.00, to a cancellation thereof, which deduction or cancellation shall not be altered or repealed. Any person hereinabove described who has been or shall be declared by the United States Veterans Administration, or its successor, to have a service-connected disability, shall be entitled to such further deduction from taxation as from time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has met or shall meet his or her death on active duty in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any service shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deduction as from time to time may be provided by law. The surviving spouse of any citizen and resident of this State who has had or shall hereafter have active service in time of war or of other emergency as so defined in any branch of the Armed forces of the United States and who died or shall die while on active duty in any branch of the Armed Forces of the Unites States shall be entitled, during her widowhood or his widowerhood, as the case may be, and while a resident of this State, to the deduction or cancellation in this paragraph provided for honorably discharged veterans and to such further deductions as from time to time may be provided by law. Amended Nov. 8, 1988 *** MEND *** *** MSTART 092 007.0 004.0 2 NJ 1945 1998 *** Article IV, Section 7, paragraph 2 2. No gambling of any kind shall be authorized by the Legislature unless the specific kind, restrictions and control thereof have been heretofore submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast by, the people at a special election or shall hereafter be submitted to, and authorized by a majority of the votes cast thereon by, the legally qualified voters of the State voting at a general election, except that, without any such submission or authorization: A. It shall be lawful for bona tide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer fire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct, under such restrictions and control as shall from time to time be prescribed by the Legislature by law, games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of rights to participate, the awarding of prizes, in the specific kind of game of chance sometimes known as bingo or lotto, played with cards bearing numbers or other designations, 5 or more in one line, the holder covering numbers as objects, similarly numbered, are drawn from a receptacle and the game being won by the person who first covers a previously designated arrangement of numbers on such a card, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality, in which a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by the Legislature by law, shall authorize the conduct of such games of chance therein; A. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, bona fide veterans, charitable, educational, religious or fraternal organizations, civic and service clubs, senior citizen associations or clubs, volunteer tire companies and first-aid or rescue squads to conduct games of chance of, and restricted to, the selling of tights to participate, and the awarding of prizes, in the specific kinds of games of chance sometimes known as raffles, conducted by the drawing for prizes or by the allotment of prizes by chance, when the entire net proceeds of such games of chance are to be devoted to educational, charitable, patriotic, religious or public-spirited uses, and in the case of senior citizen associations or clubs to the support of such organizations, in any municipality in which such law shall be adopted by a majority of the qualified voters, voting thereon, at a general or special election as the submission thereof shall be prescribed by law and for the Legislature, from tine to tin~, to restrict and control, by law, the conduct of such games of chance, C. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize the conduct of State lotteries restricted to the selling of rights to participate therein and the awarding of prizes by drawings when the entire net proceeds of any such lottery shall be for State institutions, State aid for education; D. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize by law the establishment and operation, under regulation and control by the State, of gambling houses or casinos within the boundaries, as heretofore established, of the city of Atlantic City, county of Atlantic, and to license and tax such operations and equipment used in connection therewith. Any law authorizing the establishment and operation of such gambling establishments shall provide for the State revenues derived therefrom to be applied solely for the purpose of providing funding for reductions in property taxes, rental, telephone, gas, electric, and municipal utilities charges of eligible senior citizens and disabled residents of the State, and for additional or expanded health services or benefits or transportation services or benefits to eligible senior citizens and disabled residents, in accordance with such formulae as the Legislature shall by law provide. The type and number of such casinos or gambling houses and of the gambling games which may be conducted in any such establishment shall be determined by or pursuant to the terms of the law authorizing the establishment and operation thereof; E. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, (1) the simultaneous transmission by picture of running and harness horse races conducted at racetracks located within or outside of this State, or both, to gambling houses or casinos in the city of Atlantic City and (2) the specific kind, restrictions and control of wagering at those gambling establishments on the results of those races. The State=s share of revenues derived therefrom shall be applied for services to benefit eligible senior citizens as shall be provided by law; and F. It shall be lawful for the Legislature to authorize, by law, the specific kind, restrictions and control of wagering on the results of live or simulcast running and harness horse races conducted within or outside of this State. The State's share of revenues derived therefrom shall be used for such purposes as shall be provided by law. Amended November 3, 1998. *** MEND ***